Laura van der Pol


Laura van der Pol


Other Staff


Ecosystems Center at the Marine Biological Laboratory,7 MBL Street
Woods Hole, MA 02543
United States


Data Sets

Daily summaries of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), relative humidity, and temperature data logged above, within, and below Betula nana and Salix pulchra shrub canopies during the summer of 2012 in vicinity of Toolik Lake, Alaska.
Photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) measurements, relative humidity, and temperature data logged every five minutes from Betula nana and Salix pulchra shrub canopies, summer of 2012 in vicinity of Toolik Lake, Alaska.
Photosynthetically Active Radiation data taken with the Delta-T SunScan wand every 15 cm of 1m x 1m chamber flux and point frame plots as well as four remotely monitored canopies at the Toolik Field Station in AK, Summer 2012.
Leaf Area Index every 15 cm of 1m x 1m chamber flux and point frame plots and sites where dataloggers monitored PAR above, within and below S. pulchra and B. nana canopies during the growing season at the Toolik Field Station in AK, Summer 2012.
Total and diffuse photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) recorded by a beam fraction (BF3) sensor during the summer of 2012 in vicinity of Toolik Lake, Alaska.
Light response curves measured from shoots harvested at three levels in the canopy from 19 1m x 1m plots dominated by S. pulchra or B. nana shrubs near LTER Shrub plots at Toolik Field Station, AK the summer of 2012.
Percent carbon and nitrogen of leaves from shoots harvested at three levels in the canopy from 19 plots dominated by S. pulchra and B. nana shrubs near LTER Shrub plots at Toolik Field Station, AK the summer of 2012.
Summary of measured and modeled light curve parameters for diffuse, direct, and intermediate light curves for 14 whole-canopy 1mx1m plots sampled near the shrub LTER sites at Toolik Field Station, Alaska, summer 2012.
Plot descriptions and location data from datalogger, 1m x 1m chamber flux and point frame plots sampled near Toolik Field Station in Alaska the summer of 2012.
Harvest data including the shoot leaf area index, position in the canopy, and shoot and plant tissue area, count and mass for each shoot harvested at three levels in the canopy from 19 1m x 1m plots near LTER Shrub plots, Toolik Field Station, AK 2012.
Raw pin-hit data from 19 1m x 1m point frame plots sampled near the LTER Shrub plots at Toolik Field Station in AK the summer of 2012.
Maximum canopy height from 14 flux canopy and 19 point frame plots sampled near the shrub LTER sites at Toolik Field Station, Alaska, summer 2012.
Individual chamber flux measurements from 14 flux whole-canopy shrub plots sampled near the shrub LTER sites at Toolik Field Station, Alaska, summer 2012.
Summary of three different Leaf Area Index (LAI) methodologies of 19 1m x 1m point frame plots sampled near the LTER Shrub plots at Toolik Field Station in AK the summer of 2012.
Percent species cover from 14 flux canopy and 19 point frame 1m x 1m plots sampled near the shrub LTER sites at Toolik Field Station, Alaska, summer 2012.