Linkages among runoff, dissolved organic carbon, and the stable oxygen isotope composition of seawater and other water mass indicators in the Arctic Ocean

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TitleLinkages among runoff, dissolved organic carbon, and the stable oxygen isotope composition of seawater and other water mass indicators in the Arctic Ocean
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2005
AuthorsCooper, LW, Benner, R, McClelland, JW, Peterson, BJ, Holmes, RM, Raymond, PA, Hansell, DA, Grebmeier, JM, Codispoti, LA
JournalJournal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences
ISBN Number2169-8953
Accession NumberARC636
Keywords4207 Arctic and Antarctic oceanography
Short TitleLinkages among runoff, dissolved organic carbon, and the stable oxygen isotope composition of seawater and other water mass indicators in the Arctic Ocean