electrical conductivity

Stream networks are intimately connected to the landscapes through which they flow and significantly transform nutrients and organic matter that are in transport from landscapes to oceans. This work will quantify the relative influences of throughflow, lateral inputs, and hyporheic (a layer of surface sediments that contains water which exchanges continuously with water in the open channel) regeneration on the seasonal fluxes of C, N, and P in an arctic river network, and determine how these influences will shift under seasonal conditions that are likely to be substantially different in the future. This objective is a logical extension of earlier. This work will focus on seasonal dynamics at different river reach scales (1st to 4th order streams) and will lay the groundwork for a whole river network model to integrate the influences of throughflow, lateral inputs, hyporheic regeneration, and in-stream metabolism on C, N, and P fluxes through an entire river network.

For more information see project's web site:  Changing Seasonality and Arctic Stream Networks

Changing Seasonality and Arctic Stream Networks
Michael Gooseff, 2013 Specific conductance and temperature data from I8 Inlet, near Toolik Field Station, Alaska, summer 2010. 10.6073/pasta/b4a534851f549a690ef2aff85de08d9f
As a part of the CSASN project, background (or ambient) specific conductance and stream water temperature was continuously monitored in three streams within the Toolik Inlet watershed from 2010 - 2012 summer/fall seasons. HOBO U24 data loggers were used for data acquisition. The data included in this file is from I8 Inlet stream, 2010 season.
Michael Gooseff, 2013 Specific conductance and temperature data from I8 Outlet near Toolik Field Station, Alaska, summer 2011. 10.6073/pasta/5799d44b175ed4731ab2f95517b5e00c
As a part of the CSASN project, background (or ambient) specific conductance and stream water temperature was continuously monitored in three streams within the Toolik Inlet watershed from 2010 - 2012 summer/fall seasons. HOBO U24 data loggers were used for data acquisition. The data included in this file is from I8 Outlet stream, 2011 season.
Michael Gooseff, 2013 Specific conductance and temperature data from Peat Inlet near Toolik Field Station, Alaska, summer 2011. 10.6073/pasta/cbe4b564a3fa2e6108a5f5b65c2f1950
As a part of the CSASN project, background (or ambient) specific conductance and stream water temperature was continuously monitored in three streams within the Toolik Inlet watershed from 2010 - 2012 summer/fall seasons. HOBO U24 data loggers were used for data acquisition. The data included in this file is from Peat Inlet stream, 2011 season.
Michael Gooseff, 2013 Specific conductance and temperature data from I8 Outlet near Toolik Field Station, Alaska, summer 2010. 10.6073/pasta/7718058cc9f7419cc1b84a0a3d3b9421
As a part of the CSASN project, background (or ambient) specific conductance and stream water temperature was continuously monitored in three streams within the Toolik Inlet watershed from 2010 - 2012 summer/fall seasons. HOBO U24 data loggers were used for data acquisition. The data included in this file is from I8 Outlet stream, 2010 season.
Michael Gooseff, 2013 Specific conductance and temperature data from I8 Outlet near Toolik Field Station, Alaska, summer 2012. 10.6073/pasta/0d632902d48b411c7f9c92a5231b50fd
As a part of the CSASN project, background (or ambient) specific conductance and stream water temperature was continuously monitored in three streams within the Toolik Inlet watershed from 2010 - 2012 summer/fall seasons. HOBO U24 data loggers were used for data acquisition. The data included in this file is from I8 Outlet stream, 2012 season.
Michael Gooseff, 2013 Specific conductance and temperature data from Peat Inlet near Toolik Field Station, Alaska, summer 2010. 10.6073/pasta/2fa324c9b2656bae95f9a7aea25b8e25
As a part of the CSASN project, background (or ambient) specific conductance and stream water temperature was continuously monitored in three streams within the Toolik Inlet watershed from 2010 - 2012 summer/fall seasons. HOBO U24 data loggers were used for data acquisition. The data included in this file is from Peat Inlet stream, 2010 season.
Michael Gooseff, 2013 Specific conductance and temperature data from I8 Inlet, near Toolik Field Station, Alaska, summer 2011. 10.6073/pasta/bcf66401d57ed736fd610682f49460fb
As a part of the CSASN project, background (or ambient) specific conductance and stream water temperature was continuously monitored in three streams within the Toolik Inlet watershed from 2010 - 2012 summer/fall seasons. HOBO U24 data loggers were used for data acquisition. The data included in this file is from I8 Inlet stream, 2011 season.
Michael Gooseff, 2013 Specific conductance and temperature data from I8 Inlet, near Toolik Field Station, Alaska, summer 2012. 10.6073/pasta/60754311f473af4d3540a0fa3d70d724
As a part of the CSASN project, background (or ambient) specific conductance and stream water temperature was continuously monitored in three streams within the Toolik Inlet watershed from 2010 - 2012 summer/fall seasons. HOBO U24 data loggers were used for data acquisition. The data included in this file is from I8 Inlet stream, 2012 season.
William "Breck" Bowden, 2013 CSASN Well and Mini-piezomenter Samples. 10.6073/pasta/3597abe9989139bccab4d0d0b51367f0
The Changing Seasonality of Arctic Stream Systems (CSASN) was active from 2010 to 2012. The CSASN goal was to quantify the relative influences of through flow, lateral inputs, and hyporheic regeneration on the seasonal fluxes C, N, and P in an arctic river network, and to determine how these influences might shift under seasonal conditions that are likely to be substantially different in the future. During the project, well and mini-piezometer samples were collected from various depths near stream channels and analyzed for a variety of nutrients.
William "Breck" Bowden, 2013 CSASN Channel Nutrients from 2010 to 2012 in I8 Inlet, I8 Outlet, Peat Inlet and Kuparuk Rivers. 10.6073/pasta/d19adb5a8fe01f67806e5afccf283b52
The Changing Seasonality of Arctic Stream Systems (CSASN) was active from 2010 to 2012. The CSASN goal was to quantify the relative influences of through flow, lateral inputs, and hyporheic regeneration on the seasonal fluxes C, N, and P in an arctic river network, and to determine how these influences might shift under seasonal conditions that are likely to be substantially different in the future. During the project, background samples were collected from four stream channels and analyzed for a variety of nutrients.
William "Breck" Bowden, 2013 Whole stream metabolism (I8 Inlet, I8 Outlet; Peat Inlet; Kuparuk): Changing seasonality of Arctic stream systems project. 10.6073/pasta/b2f42a2744d8526d06c522f74c273824
The Changing Seasonality of Arctic Stream Systems (CSASN) was active from 2010 to 2012. The CSASN goal was to quantify the relative influences of through flow, lateral inputs, and hyporheic regeneration on the seasonal fluxes C, N, and P in an arctic river network, and to determine how these influences might shift under seasonal conditions that are likely to be substantially different in the future. Whole Stream Metabolism was calculated using dissolved oxygen, discharge, stage, and temperature measured by sounds deployed in the field.
Kyle Whittinghill, 2013 Three synoptic surveys of streams throughout a 48km2 watershed near Toolik Lake, AK in spring (early-June), summer (mid-July), and fall (mid-September) 2011.. 10.6073/pasta/2b27ce6b75864e21d6a8abb246abbcd2
To determine temporal and spatial patterns in arctic stream biogeochemistry we conducted three synoptic surveys of streams throughout a 48km2 watershed near Toolik Lake, AK in spring (early-June), summer (mid-July), and fall (mid-September) 2011. During each synoptic survey, we sampled 52 sites within a period of four days to minimize the effect of temporal hydrologic variability. At each site we measured stream temperature, pH, and conductivity and sampled water for solute analysis.
Data Photo Coupled
Rose Cory, Jennifer C Bowen, Collin P Ward, George Kling, 2020 Photo-oxidation and photomineralization apparent quantum yield dataset for dissolved organic carbon leached from permafrost soils collected from the North Slope of Alaska, July 2018.. 10.6073/pasta/201f8d4009eec890d937b177da9eb919
Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) was leached from permafrost soils near the Toolik Field Station in the Alaskan Arctic and then characterized for its photochemical properties.  Oxygen (O2) consumed from photo-oxidation of permafrost DOC was measured as a function of sunlight wavelength, defined as the apparent quantum yield spectrum of photo-oxidation (O2 consumed per mol photon absorbed by DOC).  Carbon dioxide (CO2) produced from photomineralization of permafrost DOC was measured as a function of sunlight wavelength, defined as the apparent quantum yield spectrum of photomineralization (CO2
Rose Cory, Jennifer C Bowen, Collin P Ward, George Kling, 2020 Radiocarbon and stable carbon isotope dataset for DOC leached from permafrost soils collected from the North Slope of Alaska in the summer of 2018. 10.6073/pasta/7a725525fcc5da13615e04e7da2a947c
Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) was leached from p
Rose Cory, Jennifer C Bowen, Collin P Ward, George Kling, 2020 Photodegradation of carboxyl DOC from permafrost soils collected from the North Slope of Alaska in the summer of 2015. 10.6073/pasta/695af896f3079ec15345ac803e442798
Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) was leached from permafrost soils near the Toolik Field Station in the Alaskan Arctic and then characterized for its photochemical properties.  The photodegradation of carboxyl carbon (C) within permafrost DOC was quantified by 13C nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). 
Rose Cory, Jennifer C Bowen, Collin P Ward, George Kling, 2020 Water chemistry of leachates prepared from permafrost soils collected from the North Slope of Alaska in the summers of 2015 and 2018. 10.6073/pasta/1799c4308272c99d54ef6cf84d5b4232
Soils were collected from the frozen permafrost layer (greater than 60 cm below the surface) at six sites underlying tussock or wet sedge vegetation, and on three glacial surfaces on the North Slope of Alaska during the summers of 2015 and 2018.  Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) was leached from each permafrost soil and the water chemistry was analyzed.
Rose Cory, Jennifer C Bowen, Collin P Ward, George Kling, 2020 Radiocarbon and stable carbon isotopes of CO2 produced from photomineralization of DOC leached from permafrost soils collected from the North Slope of Alaska in the summer of 2018. 10.6073/pasta/ecf54f89183f7bbbb7bd5d931e7323f5
Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) was leached from permafrost soils near the Toolik Field Station in the Alaskan Arctic and then characterized for its photochemical properties.  The radiocarbon (14C) and stable carbon (13C) isotopic compositions of carbon dioxide (CO2) photochemically produced from permafrost DOC were quantified. 
Rose Cory, Jennifer C Bowen, Collin P Ward, George Kling, 2020 Preparation of DOC leachates from permafrost soils collected from the North Slope of Alaska in the summer of 2018. 10.6073/pasta/f35194d541f3b55fdd1778e2af52c676
Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) was leached from permafrost soils collected from the frozen permafrost layer at five sites underlying moist acidic tussock or wet sedge vegetation, and on three glacial surfaces on the North Slope of Alaska during summer 2018.
Rose Cory, Jennifer C Bowen, Collin P Ward, George Kling, 2020 Photomineralization apparent quantum yield at 309 nm for DOC leached from permafrost soils collected from the North Slope of Alaska in the summer of 2015. 10.6073/pasta/489bef4d2aa61e03bb77981605511b1d
Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) was leached from permafrost soils near the Toolik Field Station in the Alaskan Arctic and then characterized for its photochemical properties.  The apparent quantum yield of photomineralization (photochemical carbon dioxide, CO2, production) of permafrost DOC was quantified at 309 nm. 
Thermokarst Lakes
George Kling, 2012 Chemistry from thermokarst impacted soils, lakes, and streams near Toolik Lake Alaska, 2008-2011.. 10.6073/pasta/2e55d1587290e642938ac1a6caed6ec6
This file contains data collected from thermokarst impacted soils, lakes, and streams near Toolik Lake Alaska. Data are also presented for experimental manipulations of water (e.g., time course experiments). Sample descriptors include a unique sortchem #, site, date, time, depth, distance, elevation, treatment, date-time, category, and water type (e.g., lake, surface, soil). Physical/chemical measures collected in the field include temperature, conductivity, and pH.
Toolik Lake Inlet Discharge
George Kling, 2010 Toolik Inlet Discharge Data collected in summer 2008, Arctic LTER, Toolik Research Station, Alaska.. 10.6073/pasta/48e780b581b1071f19c7e5f4b165035d
Stream discharge, stage height, temperature, and conductivity of Toolik Inlet during the 2008 study season.
George Kling, 2010 Toolik Inlet Discharge Data collected in summer 2007, Arctic LTER, Toolik Research Station, Alaska.. 10.6073/pasta/3af4cbab73c38f76b2829c3abff8f703
Stream discharge, stage height, temperature, and conductivity of Toolik Inlet during the 2007 study season.
George Kling, 2006 Toolik Inlet Discharge Data collected in summer 2005, Arctic LTER, Toolik Research Station, Alaska.. 10.6073/pasta/9dde811179666deedd0ecf911be39f65
Stream discharge, stage height, temperature, and conductivity of Toolik Inlet during the 2005 study season. Water level was recorded with a Stevens PGIII Pulse Generator and water temperature and conductivity with a Campbell Scientific Model 247 Conductivity (EC) and Temperature probe. A Campbell Scientific CR510 data logger logged the data.
George Kling, 2007 Toolik Inlet Discharge Data collected in summer 2006, Arctic LTER, Toolik Research Station, Alaska.. 10.6073/pasta/bd8a06d5dab8691912524db28cc24bcd
Stream discharge, stage height, temperature, and conductivity of Toolik Inlet during the 2006 study season. Water level was recorded with a Stevens PGIII Pulse Generator and water temperature and conductivity with a Campbell Scientific Model 247 Conductivity (EC) and Temperature probe. A Campbell Scientific CR510 data logger logged the data.
George Kling, 2005 Toolik Inlet Discharge Data collected in summer 2003, Arctic LTER, Toolik Research Station, Alaska.. 10.6073/pasta/07d2ff982627a2a73343c1785358d0a6
Stream discharge, stage height, temperature, and conductivity of Toolik Inlet during the 2003 study season.
George Kling, 1994 Toolik Inlet Discharge Data collected in summer 1993, Arctic LTER, Toolik Research Station, Alaska.. 10.6073/pasta/ae3cf97a2496946fa8ba0cf964271e56
Stream discharge, stage height, temperature, and conductivity of Toolik Inlet during the 1993 study season.
George Kling, 1998 Toolik Inlet Discharge Data collected in summer 1997, Arctic LTER, Toolik Research Station, Alaska.. 10.6073/pasta/33f027ad109d650964a0a084e5df7b11
Stream discharge, stage height, temperature, and conductivity of Toolik Inlet during the 1997 study season.
George Kling, 2005 Toolik Inlet Discharge Data collected in summer 2004, Arctic LTER, Toolik Research Station, Alaska.. 10.6073/pasta/05f608cdb85f2e558febd0fd399da5cf
Stream discharge, temperature, and conductivity of Toolik Inlet during the 2004 study season.  Discharge measurements were taken throughout each season to determine the stage-discharge relationship.
George Kling, 1995 Toolik Inlet Discharge Data collected in summer 1994, Arctic LTER, Toolik Research Station, Alaska.. 10.6073/pasta/8cc384d957477d5ad48e926ed26dc89b
Stream discharge, stage height, temperature, and conductivity of Toolik Inlet during the 1994 study season.
George Kling, 1999 Toolik Inlet Discharge Data collected in summer 1998, Arctic LTER, Toolik Research Station, Alaska.. 10.6073/pasta/4b78d41f1462c952140b6d2bd4c5d3e4
Stream discharge, stage height, temperature, and conductivity of Toolik Inlet during the 1998 study season.
George Kling, 2003 Toolik Inlet Discharge Data collected in summer 2002, Arctic LTER, Toolik Research Station, Alaska.. 10.6073/pasta/aa535873109be90a8a1cb133b45dbc67
Stream discharge, stage height, temperature, and conductivity of Toolik Inlet during the 2002 study season.
George Kling, 2002 Toolik Inlet Discharge Data collected in summer 2001, Arctic LTER, Toolik Research Station, Alaska.. 10.6073/pasta/4ea8fa2d3b89f4bf2b5de7b98b6a772c
Stream discharge, stage height, temperature, and conductivity of Toolik Inlet during the 2001 study season.
George Kling, 2001 Toolik Inlet Discharge Data collected in summer 2000, Arctic LTER, Toolik Research Station, Alaska.. 10.6073/pasta/48d71932248e540223bd5650902dd7a4
Stream discharge, stage height, temperature, and conductivity of Toolik Inlet during the 2000 study season.
George Kling, 1996 Toolik Inlet Discharge Data collected in summer 1995, Arctic LTER, Toolik Research Station, Alaska.. 10.6073/pasta/20e10e53cc8b68cffbe98ed0b234d26a
Stream discharge, stage height, temperature, and conductivity of Toolik Inlet during the 1995 study season.
George Kling, 1997 Toolik Inlet Discharge Data collected in summer 1996, Arctic LTER, Toolik Research Station, Alaska.. 10.6073/pasta/6e9d9bd807d8ec133e91d0e665a1550d
Stream discharge, stage height, temperature, and conductivity of Toolik Inlet during the 1996 study season.
George Kling, 2000 Toolik Inlet Discharge Data collected in summer 1999, Arctic LTER, Toolik Research Station, Alaska.. 10.6073/pasta/37c5b37970b78525819480aa7e4db43a
Stream discharge, stage height, temperature, and conductivity of Toolik Inlet during the 1999 study season.
George Kling, 2010 Toolik Inlet Discharge Data collected in summer 2009, Arctic LTER, Toolik Research Station, Alaska.. 10.6073/pasta/94bb7d7a93a46ab5363033de6ee7d603
Stream discharge, stage height, temperature, and conductivity of Toolik Inlet during the 2009 study season.
George Kling, 1993 Toolik Inlet Discharge Data collected in summer 1992, Arctic LTER, Toolik Research Station, Alaska.. 10.6073/pasta/9064f9d7137ac80581e75204ff4699ed
Stream discharge, stage height, temperature, and conductivity of Toolik Inlet during the 1992 study season.
George Kling, 2000 Toolik Inlet Discharge Data collected in summer 1991, Arctic LTER, Toolik Research Station, Alaska.. 10.6073/pasta/2cf34ca817b0e6f435b2e4e9a6de3bfe
Stream discharge, stage height, temperature, and conductivity of Toolik Inlet during the 1991 study season.
George Kling, 2019 Toolik Lake Inlet discharge data collected during summers of 2010 to 2018, Arctic LTER, Toolik Research Station, Alaska.. 10.6073/pasta/169d1bae55373c44a368727573ef70eb
Stream discharge, temperature, and conductivity of Toolik Lake Inlet stream for 2010 - 2018 study season. Water level was recorded with a Stevens PGIII Pulse Generator and Conductivity (EC) and Temperature measured with a Campbell Scientific Model 247 Conductivity and Temperature probe.
Landscape Interactions Chemistry
George Kling, 2013 Biogeochemistry data set for soil waters, streams, and lakes near Toolik on the North Slope of Alaska.. 10.6073/pasta/574fd24522eee7a0c07fc260ccc0e2fa
Data file describing the biogeochemistry of samples collected at various sites near Toolik Lake, North Slope of Alaska. Sample site descriptors include a unique assigned number (sortchem), site, date, time, depth, distance (downstream), elevation, treatment, date-time, category, and water type (lake, surface, soil). Physical measures collected in the field include temperature (water, soil, well water), conductivity, pH, average thaw depth, well height, discharge, stage height, and light (lakes).
George Kling, 2013 Biogeochemistry data set for soil waters, streams, and lakes near Toolik on the North Slope of Alaska, 2011.. 10.6073/pasta/362c8eeac5cad9a45288cf1b0d617ba7
Data file describing the biogeochemistry of samples collected at various sites near Toolik Lake, North Slope of Alaska. Sample site descriptors include a unique assigned number (sortchem), site, date, time, depth, distance (downstream), elevation, treatment, date-time, category, and water type (lake, surface, soil). Physical measures collected in the field include temperature (water, soil, well water), conductivity, pH, average thaw depth, well height, discharge, stage height, and light (lakes).
George Kling, 2022 Biogeochemistry data set for soil waters, streams, and lakes near Toolik Lake on the North Slope of Alaska, 2012 through 2020. 10.6073/pasta/4e25db9ae9372f5339f2795792814845
Data file of the biogeochemistry of samples collected at various sites near Toolik Lake, North Slope of Alaska.  Sample site descriptors include a unique assigned number (sortchem), site, date, time, depth, distance (downstream from a reference location), elevation, treatment, date-time, category, and water type (lake, surface, soil).  Physical measures collected in the field include temperature (water, soil, well water), conductivity, pH, and average thaw depth in soil.  Chemical analyses for the sample include alkalinity; dissolved inorganic and organic carbon (DIC and DOC); dissolved gas
Tussock Watershed Discharge
George Kling, 1998 Tussock Watershed stream discharge, electrical conductivity, and temperature measurements from 1996. 10.6073/pasta/6bd568dba3bfaa58181cfb8abff4d639
Tussock Watershed stream discharge, electrical conductivity, and temperature measurements from 1996.
George Kling, 1999 Tussock Watershed stream discharge, electrical conductivity, and temperature measurements from 1997. 10.6073/pasta/4c9e9b2bb4861e73dfeaa6bb5e8fb9cd
Tussock Watershed stream discharge, electrical conductivity, and temperature measurements from 1997.
George Kling, 2001 Tussock Watershed stream discharge, electrical conductivity, and temperature measurements from 1999. 10.6073/pasta/4b943b5a2de08aca8b7dd48542476f12
Tussock Watershed stream discharge, electrical conductivity, and temperature measurements from 1999.
George Kling, 2003 Tussock Watershed stream discharge, electrical conductivity, and temperature measurements from 2001. 10.6073/pasta/11b3344269ff08158edfac93c23de29b
Tussock Watershed stream discharge, electrical conductivity, and temperature measurements from 2001.
George Kling, 1996 Tussock Watershed stream discharge, electrical conductivity, and temperature measurements from 1994. 10.6073/pasta/88124e3e8b4a8bbbd49fbb64d64b62d3
Tussock Watershed stream discharge, electrical conductivity, and temperature measurements from 1994.
George Kling, 1995 Tussock Watershed stream discharge, electrical conductivity, and temperature measurements from 1993. 10.6073/pasta/f14f444ce51fa77d5f577db4cdbb0564
Tussock Watershed stream discharge, electrical conductivity, and temperature measurements from 1993.
George Kling, 1994 Tussock Watershed stream discharge, electrical conductivity, and temperature measurements from 1992. 10.6073/pasta/1e224958e278841f9a7a035007c65f21
Tussock Watershed stream discharge, electrical conductivity, and temperature measurements from 1992.
George Kling, 2002 Tussock Watershed stream discharge, electrical conductivity, and temperature measurements from 2000. 10.6073/pasta/53a45c5a110f0af13c5ae0ed3154b8ca
Tussock Watershed stream discharge, electrical conductivity, and temperature measurements from 2000.
George Kling, 1993 Tussock Watershed stream discharge, electrical conductivity, and temperature measurements from 1991. 10.6073/pasta/089d81bc49eab1df6cf2b24f40a6c1d3
Tussock Watershed stream discharge, electrical conductivity, and temperature measurements from 1991.
George Kling, 2000 Tussock Watershed stream discharge, electrical conductivity, and temperature measurements from 1998. 10.6073/pasta/fa1c2e6a04b01d037d9424bded342cd6
Tussock Watershed stream discharge, electrical conductivity, and temperature measurements from 1998.
George Kling, 1997 Tussock Watershed stream discharge, electrical conductivity, and temperature measurements from 1995. 10.6073/pasta/7e79c3adc44e965240f1c9d75ea676fb
Tussock Watershed stream discharge, electrical conductivity, and temperature measurements from 1995.
George Kling, 2004 Tussock Watershed stream discharge, electrical conductivity, and temperature measurements from 2002. 10.6073/pasta/5c3e5f2495561903c027c6b06544cf70
Tussock Watershed stream discharge, electrical conductivity, and temperature measurements from 2002.
George Kling, 2005 Tussock Watershed stream discharge, electrical conductivity, and temperature measurements from 2003. 10.6073/pasta/b24b8bb901a4b1b825e09c7ab494b39d
Tussock Watershed stream discharge, electrical conductivity, and temperature measurements from 2003.
George Kling, 2007 Tussock Watershed stream discharge, electrical conductivity, and temperature measurements from 2005. 10.6073/pasta/045236b13d660da362f20f690f657b92
Tussock Watershed stream discharge, electrical conductivity, and temperature measurements from 2005.
George Kling, 2006 Tussock Watershed stream discharge, electrical conductivity, and temperature measurements from 2004. 10.6073/pasta/459c62f862e1724005eb7d91648bfb44
Tussock Watershed stream discharge, electrical conductivity, and temperature measurements from 2004.
Thermokarst Streams
William "Breck" Bowden, 2014 ARCSS/TK water chemistry and epilithon characterization from the Noatak National Preserve, Kelly River region (2010) and Feniak Lake region (2011).. 10.6073/pasta/39ed7afdfd1ad36019bd3b02c64d1bd1
These data are from two remote field campaigns in the Noatak National Preserve. Various thermokarst features and their receiving streams were sampled and characterized. A suite of water chemistry (nutrients, major anions and cations, total suspended sediment) and benthic variables (particulate carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus, and chlorophyll-a) were measured at 6 major sites (2 in 2010 and 4 in 2011). There were additional sites sampled for water chemistry above and below thermokarst features in 2011.
William "Breck" Bowden, 2014 ARCSS/TK water chemistry and total suspended sediment data from I-Minus2 and Toolik River thermokarsts and receiving streams, near Toolik Field Station, Alaska, summers 2006-2013.. 10.6073/pasta/36446317e7682f1b03c0f7def5b16fcc
Water samples were taken at 5 locations at both I-Minus2 and Toolik River thermokarst sites (10 sampling locations total). A combination of ISCO and manual grab samples were taken depending on the sampling location and year.
AON Stream Chemistry
George Kling, 2019 Biogeochemistry data set for Imnavait Creek Weir on the North Slope of Alaska 2002-2018. 10.6073/pasta/733c73c6ebffeaec6970b2b0f4dddfe6
Data file containing biogeochemical data of water samples collected in Imnavait Creek, North Slope of Alaska. Sample site descriptors include a unique assigned number (sortchem), site, date, time, depth, distance (downstream), and elevation. Values of variables measured in the field include temperature, conductivity, pH. Chemical analysis for samples include alkalinity, dissolved organic carbon, inorganic and total dissolved nutrients particulate carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus, cations and anions.
Lakes Physical and Chemical Parameters
Anne Giblin, George Kling, 2022 Physical and chemical data for various lakes near Toolik Research Station, Arctic LTER. Summer 1975 to 1989.. 10.6073/pasta/588e78d0d92ee947349eda23402543f6
Decadal file describing the physical lake parameters recorded at various lakes near Toolik Research Station during summers from 1975 to 1989. Depth profiles at the sites of physical measures were collected in situ. Values measured included temperature, conductivity, pH, dissolved oxygen, Chlorophyll A, Secchi disk depth and PAR. Note that some sample depths also have additional parameters measured and available in separate files for water chemistry and primary production.
Anne Giblin, Christopher Luecke, George Kling, 2010 Average Epilimnetic Conductivity from 1992 to present in Tooli Lake, Arctic LTER, Alaska.. 10.6073/pasta/f0b996fef22d56cacd87f60f5dea2cd9
Average conductivity of the epilimnion (0-3m of water depth) found in Toolik Lake during the month of July.
Anne Giblin, George Kling, 2001 Physical and chemical data for various lakes near Toolik Research Station, Arctic LTER. Summer 2000 to 2009. 10.6073/pasta/791e3cb6288f75f602f23ef3e5532017
Decadal file describing the physical/chemical values recorded at various lakes near Toolik Research Station during summers from 2000 to 2009. Sample site descriptors include site, date, time, depth. Depth profiles of physical measures collected in situ with Hydrolab Datasonde in the field include temperature, conductivity, pH, dissolved oxygen in both percent saturation and mg/l, SCUFA chlorophyll-a values in both volts and µg/l, and PAR.
Anne Giblin, George Kling, 1991 Physical and chemical data for various lakes near Toolik Research Station, Arctic LTER. Summer 1990 to 1999. 10.6073/pasta/1fd85582de93a281e5e5d3b80df97b52
Decadal file describing the physical/chemical values recorded at various lakes near Toolik Research Station during summers from 1990 to 1999. Sample site descriptors include site, date, time, depth. Depth profiles of physical measures collected in situ with Hydrolab Datasonde in the field include temperature, conductivity, pH, dissolved oxygen in both percent saturation and mg/l, SCUFA chlorophyll-a values in both volts and µg/l, and PAR.
Anne Giblin, George Kling, 2021 Physical and chemical data for various lakes near Toolik Research Station, Arctic LTER. Summer 2010 to 2021. 10.6073/pasta/76ae1339a928d85193eb15bbe88cee75
Decadal file describing the physical/chemical values recorded at various lakes near Toolik Research Station. Sample site descriptors include site, date, time, depth. Depth profiles of physical measures collected in situ with Hydrolab Datasonde in the field include temperature, conductivity, pH, dissolved oxygen in both percent saturation and mg/l, SCUFA chlorophyll-a values in both volts and µg/l, and PAR.
George Kling, Rose Cory, 2014 Biogeochemistry data set for NSF Arctic Photochemistry project on the North Slope of Alaska.. 10.6073/pasta/22a3a3fc2dc74b7aabe8a10ab9061cf0
Data file describing the biogeochemistry of samples collected at various sites near Toolik Lake on the North Slope of Alaska. Sample site descriptors include a unique assigned number (sortchem), site, date, time, depth, and category (level of thermokarst disturbance). Physical measures collected in the field include temperature, electrical conductivity, and pH.
Subscribe to electrical conductivity