
Lakes Isotopes
George Kling, Christopher Luecke, 2007 Concentration of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC), carbon and nitrogen concentrations, C:N ratios and del 13C isotope value for lakes and rivers on North Slope from Brooks Range to Prudhoe Bay, Arctic LTER 1988 to 2005. 10.6073/pasta/6341694e9d7155735d17da7001014e18
Composite file describing plant, animal, water, and sediment samples collected at various sites near Toolik Research Station (68 38'N, 149 36'W). Sample site descriptors include an assigned number specific to the file, a number that relates the samples to other samples collected on the same date and time (sortchem), site, date, time, and depth. Samples are identified by type, category, and a short description. Data include isotope values, carbon and nitrogen concentrations, and C:N ratios of samples.
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