soil warming

Ecotypes Transplant Garden
Jianwu Tang, Ned Fetcher, Michael L Moody, 2019 Air and soil temperature in warmed and control plots of 2014 reciprocal transplant gardens Toolik Lake, Coldfoot, and Sagwon, Alaska 2015 and 2016. 10.6073/pasta/1ff781d88be7161218e0d2419648ca52
Air and soil temperatures from iButtons located at reciprocal transplant gardens at Toolik Lake, Coldfoot, and Sagwon in 2015 and 2016. The reciprocal transplant gardens at Coldfoot (CF), Toolik Lake (TL), Sagwon (SG) Each plot contains three tussocks, 30-50 centimeters apart
Weather Moist Acidic Tussock (MAT)
Gaius Shaver, 2005 Daily summary of 10 cm soil temperatures in the Arctic LTER moist acidic experimental plots from 1998 to present, Toolik Lake Field Station, Alaska.. 10.6073/pasta/89b6208bc6631129949eeca791063ed3
Daily summary of 10 cm soil temperatures in the Arctic LTER moist acidic experimental plots for the control (CT), greenhouse (GH), greenhouse plus nitrogen and phosphorus (GHNP) and nitrogen and phosphorus (NP) plots. Soil temperature probes in the tundra soil were problematic with frost heaving causing the depth of measurements to change. In order to provide a consistent year to year temperature record notes on changes in depths were used to select the temperature sensor that was within + or – 3 cm of the 10 cm and then averaged daily.
Gaius Shaver, 2019 Soil and canopy temperature data from the Arctic LTER Moist Acidic Tussock Experimental plots (MAT89) from 2012 to 2018, Toolik Field Station, North Slope, Alaska. 10.6073/pasta/5394ebed0c558da5882a456d7f4da9f3
Soil and canopy temperature data from the Arctic LTER 1989 Moist Acidic Tussock Experimental plots(MAT89). The station was established in 1990 in block 2 of a 4 block random block design. The plots are located on a hillside near Toolik Lake, Alaska (68 38' N, 149 36'W).  Treatments include - control (CT), greenhouse (GH), greenhouse plus nitrogen and phosphorus (GHNP) shade (SH), shade plus nitrogen and phosphorus (SHNP) and nitrogen and phosphorus (NP). Profiles include above and within canopy, 10, 20 and 40 centimeter soil depths.  Not all treatments have a complete profile.
Terrestrial Soil Properties
Gaius Shaver, 2022 Late season thaw depth measured in the Arctic Long Term Ecological Research (ARC LTER) moist acidic tussock experimental plots at Toolik Field station, Alaska Arctic 1993 to 2021. 10.6073/pasta/e24f9ed96718c7a6d020c1be6ae5853f
Late season thaw depth was measured in the Arctic Long Term Ecological Research (ARC LTER) experimental plots (1981 Moist Acidic Tussock, 1989 Moist Acidic Tussock, 2006 Low Fertilization Moist Acidic Tussock, 1989 Moist Non-acidic Tussock, 1989 Moist Non-acidic Non-tussock and 1989 Wet Sedge tundra) at Toolik Lake, Alaska using a steel thaw probe. Note: for 2017-2018 only 1989 Moist Non-Acidic Tussock Tundra and 2006 Low fertilization Moist Acidic Tussock Tundra were measured. For other sites it has become difficult to distinguish rocks from frozen soil with a steel thaw probe.
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