
root_dynamics data
George Kling, Knute Nadelhoffer, Martin Sommerkorn, 2006 13C and 15N Content in Arctic Tussock Tundra and Wet Sedge Vegetation. 10.6073/pasta/ee1d007696eba422c9914f7cfd6f6f4d
This file contains 13C and 15N content from tussock tundra and wet sedge vegetation collected from experiemental plots during the years 2001-2006.
George Kling, Knute Nadelhoffer, Martin Sommerkorn, 2004 14C Uptake by Arctic Tussock Tundra Vegetation from 2002-2006. 10.6073/pasta/4950b6f3074120dafba5c46aa7f6991f
This file contains the 14C content of tussock tundra vegetation from 2002-2006. The 14C labeling occurred the summer of 2002.
George Kling, Knute Nadelhoffer, Martin Sommerkorn, 2004 14C Uptake by Arctic Wet Sedge Vegetation from 2002-2005. 10.6073/pasta/86c2e3b0f4c442aa4995f1b8e4eafd73
This file contains the 14C content of tussock tundra vegetation from 2002-2005. The 14C labeling occurred the summer of 2002.
Terrestrial Biomass
Laura Gough, 2009 Above ground plant and below ground stem biomass in the Arctic LTER moist acidic tussock tundra experimental plots, 2006, Toolik Lake, Alaska. 10.6073/pasta/5587a6f1bfc4f359c011139b2977d842
Above ground plant and below ground stem biomass, percent nitrogen, and percent carbon were measured in the Arctic LTER moist acidic tundra experimental plots. Treatments included control, and nitrogen and phosphorus amended plots for 10 years, and exclosure plots with and without added nitrogen and phosphorus.
Laura Gough, Sarah Hobbie, 2004 Above ground plant and belowground stem biomass in moist acidic and non-acidic tussock tundra experimental sites, 2001, Arctic LTER, Toolik Lake, Alaska.. 10.6073/pasta/4195a17564c031686d5b95b551119fd5
Above ground plant and belowground stem biomass was measured in moist acidic and non-acidic tussock tundra experimental sites. Treatments sampled were control plots and plots amended with nitrogen and phosphorus.
Gaius Shaver, Laura Gough, 1999 Quadrats were harvested for aboveground biomass from eight plots within a tussock, watertrack, and snowbed community at 3 sites - acidic tundra and nonacidic tundra near Arctic LTER Toolik Plots and acidic tundra near Sagwon,Arctic LTER 1997.. 10.6073/pasta/cf45e059c576273ec58ce24769793f28
Quadrats were harvested for aboveground biomass from eight plots within a tussock, watertrack, and snowbed community at 3 sites - acidic tundra near Toolik (site of acidic LTER plots), nonacidic tundra near Toolik Lake(site of non-acidic LTER plots), and acidic tundra near Sagwon. All vascular species were sorted, divided into new and old growth, dried, and weighed. Lichens were separated by genus in all quadrats. In half of the quadrats (n=4), mosses were separated by species. Moss and lichen data are presented by species elsewhere (see 97lgmosslichen.txt).
Gaius Shaver, 2002 Leaf area for select species was measured in arctic tundra experimental sites from late June into early August,Toolik Field Sattion, Alaska, Arctic LTER 2000.. 10.6073/pasta/13915ef410067ef23bad0faff678319c
Leaf area for select species was measured in arctic tundra experimental sites from late June into early August. Measurements were made in acidic and non acidic tussock tundra and in shrub tundra in control and fertilized plots.
Gaius Shaver, Laura Gough, 1999 A harvest was conducted to determine productivity of rare species not found in at least 4 quadrats per site in a separate small quadrat aboveground biomass harvest, Arctic LTER 1997.. 10.6073/pasta/c9d934f0c88b3f4545f997fe6dfd1a2e
A harvest was conducted to determine productivity of rare species not found in at least 4 quadrats per site in a separate small quadrat aboveground biomass harvest (see 97lg3sbm.txt). Harvests occurred in a tussock, watertrack, and snowbed community at 3 sites - acidic tundra near Toolik (site of acidic LTER plots), nonacidic tundra near Toolik Lake(site of non-acidic LTER plots), and acidic tundra near Sagwon. Moss and lichen data are presented by species elsewhere (see 97lgmosslichen).
Laura Gough, Sarah Hobbie, 2004 Aboveground plant and belowground stem biomass were measured in moist acidic and moist non-acidic tussock tundra experimental plots, Toolik Field Station, Alaska, Arctic LTER 2000.. 10.6073/pasta/6e0b4ea291f4b5940b2b8b80af917bd5
Aboveground plant and belowground stem biomass were measured in moist acidic and moist non-acidic tussock tundra experimental plots. Treatments at the acidic site include control and nitrogen (N) plus phosphorus (P) amendments; treatments at the non-acidic site include N, P, N+P, greenhouse warming, and greenhouse+N+P.
Note:  Version 8 corrected an error where Carex vaginata was listed twice under treatment of "Nitrogen Phosphorus".  The tissues with 8 quadrats were "Greenhouse"  treatment.
Terrestrial Plant Communities and Plant Species List
Laura Gough, 2013 2011 relative percent cover of plant species in LTER moist acidic tundra experimental plots and in new experimental plots established in 2006.. 10.6073/pasta/ac0b52cfafad29a666c71299fc6085b7
In 2011, relative percent cover of plant species was measured in LTER moist acidic tundra experimental plots and in new experimental plots established in 2006.
Laura Gough, 2012 2010 relative percent cover of plant species in LTER moist acidic, dry heath, and moist non-acidic tundra experimental plots; and in new experimental plots established in 2006.. 10.6073/pasta/9a838fd30e3fdde2ea9acba37afb2bfa
In 2010, Relative percent cover of plant species was measured in the Arctic LTER's experimental and control plots across several habitats: moist acidic, dry heath, and moist non-acidic tundra; in new variable (low) nutrient addition experimental plots established in 2006; and for Sagavanirktok River toposequence plots in tussock and heath tundra.
Laura Gough, 2009 Arctic LTER 2007: Relative percent cover was measured for plant species on Arctic LTER experimental plots in moist acidic tussock and dry heath tundra.. 10.6073/pasta/fec6fbb53dafa0c6777110fa2fcda507
Relative percent cover was measured for plant species on Arctic LTER experimental plots at Toolik field station in moist acidic tussock and dry heath tundra.
Laura Gough, 2010 Relative percent cover of plant species in LTER moist acidic, dry heath, and moist non-acidic tundra experimental plots; in new experimental plots established in 2006; and for Sagavanirktok River plots in tussock and heath tundra, Norht Slope Alaska 2008.. 10.6073/pasta/1553e86b8f7ebcc03b757fccc17cc13f
In 2008, Relative percent cover of plant species was measured in the Arctic LTER's experimental and control plots across several habitats: moist acidic, dry heath, and moist non-acidic tundra; in new variable (low) nutrient addition experimental plots established in 2006; and for Sagavanirktok River toposequence plots in tussock and heath tundra.
Laura Gough, 2007 Arctic 2006: Relative percent cover was measured for plant species on Arctic LTER experimental plots in moist acidic, dry heath and moist non-acidic tundra, and for Sagavanirktok River plots in tussock and heath tundra.. 10.6073/pasta/7b0a8419c87c05ec1fe4fb708902d428
Relative percent cover was measured for plant species on Arctic LTER experimental plots at Toolik field station in moist acidic and moist non acidic tussock tundra, and dry heath tundra, and on Sagavanirktok River toposequence plots in tussock and heath tundra.
Laura Gough, 2007 Relative percent cover was measured for plant species on Arctic LTER experimental plots in moist acidic, dry heath and moist non-acidic tundra, and for Sagavanirktok River plots in tussock and heath tundra, North Slope Alaska 2004.. 10.6073/pasta/30f0822d9a7d4e2980300052a67e60b1
Relative percent cover was measured for plant species on Arctic LTER experimental plots at Toolik field station in moist acidic and moist non acidic tussock tundra, and dry heath tundra, and on Sagavanirktok River toposequence plots in tussock and heath tundra.
Laura Gough, 2007 Arctic LTER 2005: Relative percent cover was measured for plant species on Arctic LTER experimental plots in moist acidic, moist non-acidic and dry heath tundra.. 10.6073/pasta/c7344c7f8af925285bfb25632c545649
Relative percent cover was measured for plant species on Arctic LTER experimental plots at Toolik field station in moist acidic and moist non acidic tussock tundra, and dry heath tundra.
Jennie McLaren, 2018 Relative percent cover was measured for plant species on Arctic LTER experimental plots in moist acidic and non-acidic tundra, Arctic LTER Toolik Field Station, Alaska 2013. . 10.6073/pasta/8a2999c9ed297a184aaca7057e1ae177
Relative percent cover was measured for plant species on Arctic LTER experimental plots at Toolik field station in moist acidic and non-acidic tundra. 
Laura Gough, 2021 Relative percent cover of plant species in low nutrient LTER moist acidic tundra experimental plots (MAT06) established in 2006 for years 2008, 2010-2020, Arctic LTER Toolik Field Station Alaska. . 10.6073/pasta/3b28ed94fe7916e840ff3313dbe3450c
Relative percent cover of plant species was measured in low nutrient LTER moist acidic tundra experimental plots (MAT06). Treatments include a gradient of nitrogen and phosphorus additions along with ammonium and nitrate alone.
Laura Gough, 2019 Relative percent cover of plant species for years 2013 2014 2016 2017 in LTER dry heath tundra experimental plots established in 1989, Arctic LTER Toolik, Field Station Alaska. 10.6073/pasta/25d3f0db55e9df6f99fc3e9596433090
Relative percent cover of plant species was measured in Arctic Long-Term Ecological Research (ARC-LTER) Dry Heath experimental plots. Treatments include Nitrogen Phosphorus (NP), and Control (CT), Nitrogen Phosphorus Unfenced (NFNP), Nitrogen Phosphorus Small Fenced (SFNP), Nitrogen Phosphorus Large Fenced (LFNP), Control (CT), Control Small Fenced (CTSF), and Control Large Fenced (LFCT).
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