
Plant biomass, production and chemistry measurements near Toolik Lake, Alaska for moist tundra, wet sedge, tall shrub, and dry heath. Some harvests include total nitrogen and phosphorus.

Terrestrial Biomass
Gaius Shaver, Yuriko Yano, 2009 Bulk concentration and isotopic information of plant C and N in green leaves and tissues collected from Imnavait watershed during 2003-2005. 10.6073/pasta/329191b51f7c934d72974eaf0f9bcff9
Changes in total C and N, d13C and d15N, C:N ratio in green leaves and parts of mosses (for sphagnum, both red and green tips were included) over time since 15NH4 addition in Imnavait watershed.
Terrestrial Plant Communities and Plant Species List
Laura Gough, 2003 Relative percent cover was measured for plant species on Arctic LTER experimental plots in moist acidic and moist non-acidic tundra, Toolik Field Station, Alaska 2002. 10.6073/pasta/2185fb606bfb9e55d50e4fe670c6298a
Relative percent cover was measured for plant species on Arctic LTER experimental plots in moist acidic and moist non-acidic tundra.
Gaius Shaver, Laura Gough, 1998 Vascular plant species list, by quadrat, for harvests of tussock , wet sedge and dry heath tundra and a toposequence which included "shrub/lupine," "riverside willow" and "footslope Equisetum" communities North Slope Alaska, Arctic LTER 1983-1996.. 10.6073/pasta/19d4931588b100dc2a0abc23d849e873
Vascular plant species list, by quadrat, for harvests of tussock tundra, wet sedge tundra, dry heath tundra, and a toposequence which also included "shrub/lupine," "riverside willow" and "footslope Equisetum" communities. Includes results of long-term nutrient enrichment, increased temperature, and shade houses in selected tundra types.
Laura Gough, 2002 Arctic LTER 2000: Relative percent cover was measured for plant species on Arctic LTER experimental plots in moist acidic and moist non-acidic tundra.. 10.6073/pasta/b9cc1f0f4215535754a4acd8e29bfc0c
Relative percent cover was measured for plant species on Arctic LTER experimental plots in moist acidic and moist non-acidic tundra.
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