Yearly file describing the metological conditions on Toolik Lake (named the Toolik Lake Climate station), adjacent to the Toolik Field Research Station (68 38'N, 149 36'W). This is a floating climate station and should not be confused with the Toolik Field Station Climate site (TFS Climate Station or Met Station) which is a terrestrial station (located on land). Note that this land station has been called the "Toolik Main Climate Station", and the station on the lake is located where the main lake sampling site is located so it has also been called the Toolik Lake Main Climate Station. Measurements include air temperature, relative humidity, wind direction, wind speed, and radiation.
Project Keywords:
Data set ID:
EML revision ID:
Publication Date:
The meteorological station on the surface of Toolik Lake was first installed in the spring of 1998. Originally the station recorded air temperature, relative humidity, wind speed, and wind direction. In 1999, a Kipp and Zonen CM3 radiation instrument was added to record the downwelling and upwelling of longwave and shortwave radiation. Measurements of all variables are taken at a 30 second interval, averaged every 5 minutes, and logged into a Campbell Scientific CR10x datalogger or starting in 2007 a Campbell CR1000 datalogger. The meteorological station is anchored in place as soon as possible in June (when ice is off lake) and remains in place until the Land-Water group leaves in August. This station measures air temperature and relative humidity (with Vaisala HMP45C), wind speed and direction (with Met One 014A anemometer) and radiation (with CM3 Kipp and Zonen Radiometer). The longwave radiation is corrected for instrument case temperature. The wind sensor is ~ 3.8 meters above the water surface, and the temperature sensor is ~2.5 m above the water surface. The upwelling radiation sensors are located ~50 cm above the water surface. http://ecosystems.mbl.edu/arc/landwater/lw_protocols.html The 2009 data set contained errors in our raw data set, where the wind direction was always from 94.8 degreess with 0 m/s in speed. these values would continue for extened periods of time, resulting in a loss of data. We collorated the wind direction and speed from the TFS Climate Station (on land) with the data from the lake station to interpolate the missing values. Please see the notes column to identifiy when this occured.
Version Changes:
Entered metadata into new metadata form.
Version 3: Data URL was changed to point to the LTERNET Data Access server
Version 4: LTERNET Data Access server proxy changed from das.lternet.edu to metacat.lternet.edu.
Version 5: Added LTERNET Data Access server proxy for Excel files.
Version 6: Updated title, keywords and site info. Jan2010 Jim L
Version 7: Updated to new metadata form and to EML 2.1.0
Version 8: Updated to newer metadata form (with sites sheet). CH march 2013.
Version 9: Checked keywords against the LTER network preferred list and replaced non-preferred terms. Corrected location - it was Toolik inlet. Jim L 15Jan14
Changed Distribution URL since the LTER network DAS system is being discontinued. JimL 9Apr2015
Version 10: changed title to reflex the years of data. Jim L May 2019
Sites sampled.
EML Link:
Full Metadata and data files (either comma delimited (csv) or Excel) - Environmental Data Initiative repository.
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