Arctic Grayling Growth in the Kuparuk River; data from 1986-2003


Adult Arctic Grayling were caught and tagged in the Kuparuk River. A second fishing campaign occurred later in the summer, and any fish that was recaptured was remeasured to determine growth. Phosphorus addition has occurred since 1983; station sites are relative distance from the original 1983 phosphorus dripper. Stations include sites in a reference, recovery, and fertilized reach. Reaches were defined based on the location of phosphorous addition (see methods). Arctic Grayling were caught early in the field season, tagged, and recaptured late in the field season. During each capture, the grayling were measured for length and weight. With fish that were recaptured, growth of each grayling during specific seasons was calculated. Data is for 1986 to 2003.

Project Keywords: 

Data set ID: 


EML revision ID: 

Published on EDI/LTER Data Portal


Bowden, W. 1988. Arctic Grayling Growth in the Kuparuk River; data from 1986-2003 Environmental Data Initiative.



Additional People: 

Associated Researcher
Associated Researcher

Date Range: 

Saturday, July 5, 1986 to Saturday, July 19, 2003

Publication Date: 



Longterm monitoring and experimentation


Arctic grayling were caught in the Kuparuk River using unbarbed hooks with hook and line gear. The fish were tagged with different types of tags, depending on the year of caputre. Originally, Floy tags were used, but recently, PIT tags have been used. If the fish were caught a second time during a single summer, the growth was determined based on the change in length and weight from the first capture to the second. The fish were kept in the same reach as original capture through the use of fish weirs blocking movement.

When grayling were caught, the station was recorded. In 1983, phosphorus addition through dripping began at the site designated as 0.0k. Stations downstream of 0.0k have positive numbers and upstream have negative numbers. The reach upstream of the phosphorus addition has remained the reference reach for the duration of this dataset. Downstream of the original phosphorus addition was the fertilized reach. In 1985, the phosphorus dripper moved to 0.59k, creating a recovery reach from 0.0k to 0.59k. In 1996, the dripper was moved downstream to 1.4k, creating a recovery reach between 0.6k and 1.39k. The historic recovery reach from 0k to 0.59k had not been fertilzed for 11 years, so it was then considered part of the reference reach after 1996. Reach information can be found in data for specific time periods.

Data is available for years 1896, and 1988 to 2003.
Arctic LTER Streams Protocol, updated 2010 by EBS

Version Changes: 

3/2013: EBS organized metadata and data into this file.
4/2013: JPB moved to new spreadsheet and updated Research Locations.
Version 2: Date format changed to enable internet upload
Version 3: Keywords updated
Version 4: Changed Distrubution URL since the LTER network DAS system is being discontinued. JimL 9Apr2015

Sites sampled.

Full Metadata and data files (either comma delimited (csv) or Excel) - Environmental Data Initiative repository.

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