Streams Fish

Streams Fish
William "Breck" Bowden, 1992 Arctic Grayling Growth on the Oksrukuyik Creek near Toolik Field Station, Alaska 1990-2001. 10.6073/pasta/51ca0640049b0d2dc3706b25bdc6d13e
Arctic Grayling were collected at designated stations on the Oksrukuyik from 1990 to current time. Phosphorus addition has occurred from 1991 to 1996; station sites are relative distance from the original 1991 dripper. Grayling were caught, pit tagged, weighed, measured, and then released back into the river.
William "Breck" Bowden, 1988 Arctic Grayling Growth in the Kuparuk River; data from 1986-2003. 10.6073/pasta/e74fcf307dea22fc376978f6f115517e
Adult Arctic Grayling were caught and tagged in the Kuparuk River. A second fishing campaign occurred later in the summer, and any fish that was recaptured was remeasured to determine growth. Phosphorus addition has occurred since 1983; station sites are relative distance from the original 1983 phosphorus dripper. Stations include sites in a reference, recovery, and fertilized reach. Reaches were defined based on the location of phosphorous addition (see methods). Arctic Grayling were caught early in the field season, tagged, and recaptured late in the field season.
Linda Deegan, William "Breck" Bowden, Alex Huryn, 2019 Arctic Grayling length, weight and tag data from Arctic LTER Streams project, Toolik Filed Station Alaska, 1985 to 2018. 10.6073/pasta/87c65290d94c2cefd1692df861fe9aa7
Since 1983, the Streams Project at the Toolik Field Station has monitored physical, chemical, and biological parameters in a 5-km, fourth-order reach of the Kuparuk River near its intersection with the Dalton Highway and the Trans-Alaska Pipeline. In 1989, similar studies were begun on a 3.5-km, third-order reach of a second stream, Oksrukuyik Creek. Fish were collected on each river. Station locations, representing kilomter values certain distances from original phosphorus dripper (see method) were noted.
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