Numbers of Eriophorum vaginatum inflorescences, both unclipped and clipped by small mammals, were counted in experimental plots. The plots are setup in moist acidic tussock tundra near Toolik Field Station, Alaska ((8 degrees 37' 27" N, 149 degrees 36' 27"W) and include fenced exclosures in both fertilized and unfertilized tundra.
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Two different exclosure designs are used: 1). In 1990 two set of exclosures were installed near the ARC LTER Moist Acidic Tussock Tundra experimental plots. Each set consisted of an outer 10x10 meter large mesh (4-inch square) fence, an inner 5x5 meter medium mesh (2-inch square) fence and a 2.5x2.5 meter small mesh (1/2-inch square) fence within the 5x5 meter fence. 2). In July 1996 additional exclosure plots were setup in on extra 5 x 20 meters plots within the four block design of the 1989 LTER acidic tussock experimental plots. On each plot a 5x10 meter section was fenced with large mesh (4-inch square mesh) and within this fence a 5x5-meter plot was fenced with a small mesh (1/2-inch square mesh). Each block has two fenced plots; a plot with no fertilizer and a plot with annual fertilization (NP) treatments of 10 g/m2 Nitrogen (as NH4NO3) and 5 g/m2 Phosphorous (as triple superphosphate). Total number of Eriophorum vaginatum inflorescences are counted in control unfenced, control small mesh, NP unfenced, and NP small mesh treatments. Any clipped inflorescences were also counted.
Notes: Clipped inflorescences were not counted every year. Missing counts are indicated by #N/A.
See methods.
Version Changes:
10Oct2001 Added the 2001 data. JimL
Version 2 Add 2006 data , Title and data table information
Version 3: Added LTERNET Data Access server proxy for Excel and comma delimited data files.
Version 4: Upadte LTERNET Data Access server proxy link for Excel and comma delimited data files. Changed from knb to das in url.
Ver: 5 updated tp 2009. Jim Laundre Feb 2010
Version 6: Updated metadata form to newer version (without site sheet). Added data up to 2012. CH 31 Jan 2013 Updated to newer metadata with site sheet. CH March 2013.
Version 7: Corrected date fromat Jiml 18May13
Version 8: Checked keywords against the LTER network preferred list and replaced non-preferred terms. Jim L 17Feb14
Version 9: Changed Distrubution URL since the LTER network DAS system is being discontinued. Update data to 2014. JimL 9Apr2015
Sites sampled.
EML Link:
Full Metadata and data files (either comma delimited (csv) or Excel) - Environmental Data Initiative repository.
Use of the data requires acceptance of the data use policy --> Arctic LTER Data Use Policy |