Total soil cations (Al, Ca, K, Mg, Na, P) for intertussock O and B horizon soils on moist acidic and non-acidic tundra.
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Publication Date:
On 7 August 1997, we collected 5.2-cm diameter soil cores (up to 30 cm depth depending on depth of thaw) from six randomly selected locations (between tussocks) at each site. The cores were separated into organic and mineral horizons, all live plant material and coarse roots were removed, and each horizon from each core was homogenized separately. Dried and ground soils (using a coffee grinder) for each horizon and from each of the six locations at each site were analyzed for total phosphorus (P), calcium (C)a, magnesium (Mg), potassium (K), sodium (Na) and aluminum (Al) using nitric acid digestion followed by Inductively Coupled Argon Plasma Emissions Spectometry (ICP, Applied Research Laboratory 3560) (US Environmental Protection Agency 1992).
Reference Citations: "Hobbie, SE and L Gough. In press. Foliar and soil nutrients in tundra on glacial landscapes of contrasting ages in northern Alaska. Oecologia
Version Changes:
Version 2: Translated metadata into Excel metada worksheet, added attribute table and title. Jan 2006 Jiml
Version 3: Added LTERNET Data Access server proxy for Excel and comma delimited data files.
Version 4: Upadte LTERNET Data Access server proxy link for Excel and comma delimited data files. Changed from knb to das in url.
Version 5: Fixed discrepency with header variable names. Updated metadata form to newer version (without site sheet). CH 24 Jan 2013. Updated to newer metadata with site sheet. CH March 2013.
Version 6: Checked keywords against the LTER network preferred list and replaced non-preferred terms. Jim L 27Jan14
Version 7: Changed Distrubution URL since the LTER network DAS system is being discontinued. JimL 9Apr2015
Sites sampled.
EML Link:
Full Metadata and data files (either comma delimited (csv) or Excel) - Environmental Data Initiative repository.
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