Ground temperature at and near NE 14 thermokarst sites around Toolik Lake Field Station, Alaska, Summer 2009-Summer 2012


Ground temperatures were measured hourly at ~20-50cm intervals below the ground surface inside and adjacent to thermokarst features in the region around Toolik Field Station. Ground temperatures were measured using Hobo thermistors. Temperatures at 0 and 20cm depths were measured directly in the ground whereas 40cm and deeper measurements were logged from dry wells installed in summer 2009. NE14_TS02dot02_temp is located in the old NE14 thermokarst, upslope.

Project Keywords: 

Data set ID: 


EML revision ID: 

Published on EDI/LTER Data Portal


Gooseff, M., Godsey, S. 2012. Ground temperature at and near NE 14 thermokarst sites around Toolik Lake Field Station, Alaska, Summer 2009-Summer 2012 Environmental Data Initiative.

Date Range: 

Monday, June 22, 2009 to Sunday, August 5, 2012

Publication Date: 



Ground temperatures were measured hourly at ~20-50cm intervals below the ground surface inside and adjacent to thermokarst features in the region around Toolik Field Station. Ground temperatures were measured using Onset/Hobo thermistors (either 2-channel U23, 4-channel U12, or individual measurements logged in an H23 datalogger). Temperatures at 0 and 20cm depths were measured directly in the ground whereas 40cm and deeper measurements were logged from dry wells installed in summer 2009.

At the Toolik River and I-minus-2 gulley thermokarsts, sites were chosen inside and outside of the thermokarst feature, and at three landscape positions: above the headwall of the thermokarst, at mid-slope, and a low-slope position. At the NE-14 retrogressive thaw slump, sites were chosen according to landscape position (upslope and downslope) at each of three locations (inside the new slump, inside the revegetated scar of the old slump, and outside of both slumps on an adjacent hillslope).

Version Changes: 

Data was maintained by the Gooseff lab during 2009-2012. Some data continues to be collected, please contact the lab for updates.
Version 2: combined all the NE 14 files under one metadata file.

Sites sampled.

Full Metadata and data files (either comma delimited (csv) or Excel) - Environmental Data Initiative repository.

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