Fish tagging data (length, weight, tag number) from the Kuparuk, the Sagavanirktok (primarily Oksrukuyik Creek) and the Itkillik (primarily the I-Minus outlet stream) watersheds, 2009 - 2017


Since 2009, the FISHSCAPE  Project (grant number  1719267, 1417754, and 0902153), based at Toolik Field Station, has monitored physical, chemical, and biological parameters within three watersheds: The Kuparuk (including Toolik Lake and Toolik outlet stream); The Sagavanirktok (primarily Oksrukuyik Creek, but also including sections of the Ailish and Atigun Rivers and the Galbraith Lakes);  and The Itkillik (primarily the I-Minus outlet stream, a tributary that that feeds into the Itkilik River).  Target species were primarily Arctic grayling and Lake trout, although Arctic char, Burbot, Dolly varden, round whitefish, and slimey sculpin were also captured.

Fish were collected on each river/lake. Coordinates and/or specific station locations were noted. All fish captured during the field season are measured, weighed, tagged  (if large enough) and released. If fish were not previously tagged, they were tagged with  Passive Integrated Transponder (PIT) tags which  can be read with a whole stream antenna to track the migration of the fish, predminately Arctic grayling, throughout the systems. 

Project Keywords: 

Data set ID: 


EML revision ID: 

Published on EDI/LTER Data Portal


Deegan, L. 2019. Fish tagging data (length, weight, tag number) from the Kuparuk, the Sagavanirktok (primarily Oksrukuyik Creek) and the Itkillik (primarily the I-Minus outlet stream) watersheds, 2009 - 2017 Environmental Data Initiative.



Additional People: 

Associated Researcher
Associated Researcher
Associated Researcher

Date Range: 

Thursday, August 20, 2009 to Saturday, July 29, 2017

Publication Date: 



A complete list of all protocols can be found here:

Summary of Site Locations:
See sheet titles: FISHSCAPE sites 2009 - 2017 or FISHSCAPE sites 2009 - 2017.csv

Summary of Methods:

All fish (adults and juveniles) captured during the field season are measured, weighed, tagged and released. Fish are captured using fyke nets, weirs, or by angling. Fish greater than 30 cm were tagged with Full (FDX) or Half duplex tags (HDX) internal tags.  Arctic grayling between 20 and 30 cm in total length were tagged with external floy tags (indicated by a color and a number).    This information when added to a long-term tagging file (1985 to present) and will yield information on grayling movements".

Code  Common name   Scientific name
AC  Arctic Char  Salvelinus alpinus
AC/LT  Arctic char or Lake trout - juvenile thus id uncertain  Salvelinus alpinus/Salvelinus namaycush
LT  Lake Trout   Salvelinus namaycush
AG  Arctic grayling   Thymallus arcticus
BB  Burbot  Lota lota
DV  Dolly varden char  Salvelinus malma
RW  Round whitefish  Prosopium cylindraceum
SS  Slimy sculpin  Cottus cognatus
WF  Whitefish ( unknown)  Prosopium sp.

Version Changes: 

Version 1: Entered metadata and uploaded to data portal.
Version 2:  Updated the title and abstract to spell out acronyms

Sites sampled.

Full Metadata and data files (either comma delimited (csv) or Excel) - Environmental Data Initiative repository.

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