Stream discharge, temperature, and conductivity of Toolik Lake Inlet stream for 2010 - 2018 study season. Water level was recorded with a Stevens PGIII Pulse Generator and Conductivity (EC) and Temperature measured with a Campbell Scientific Model 247 Conductivity and Temperature probe.
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For discharge measurement protocol, see the Land-Water protocol accessible from the Land-Water mainpage on the Arctic LTER web page or at http://www-personal.umich.edu/~gwk and clicking on the protocol link at the bottom of the page.
Water level was recorded continuously with with a Stevens PGIII Pulse Generator connected to a Campbell Scientific CR510 datalogger. Additionally, we deployed a Campbell Scientific Model 247 Conductivity (EC) and Temperature probe which also recorded to the CR510.
Discharge measurements were taken throughout each season to determine the stage-discharge relationship. When the stage heights exceed our range from the study year's rating curve, we apply a standardized composite rating curve (from 1996-2013) for Toolik Inlet to solve for stream discharge.
Temperature data (when measured) were rounded to nearest tenth of a degC, in accordance with sensor manufacturer's specifications
Conductivity data (when measured) were rounded to nearest tenth of uS/cm, in accordance with sensor manufacturer's specifications
Discharge data were rounded to 3 significant digits
Field and Lab Methods and Protocols, Kling lab, University of Michigan
Version Changes:
Version 1: New data file March 2016 JAD
Version 2: Add 2011, 2014-2018 Formatted date as YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm JAD, Jim L
Sites sampled.
EML Link:
Full Metadata and data files (either comma delimited (csv) or Excel) - Environmental Data Initiative repository.
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