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O'Brien, W. John, D. Kettle, H. Riessen, D. R Schmidt, and D. Wright. Dimorphic Daphnia Longiremis: Predation And Competitive Interactions Between The Two Morphs. In Evolution And Ecology Of Zooplankton Communitees, 497-505. Evolution And Ecology Of Zooplankton Communitees. Hanover, NH: The University Press of New England, 1980.
Federle, T. W, and J. R Vestal. Lignocellulose Mineralization By Arctic Lake Sediments In Response To Nutrient Manipulation. Applied And Environmental Microbiology 40, no. 1. Applied And Environmental Microbiology (1980): 32-39.
Hobbie, John E. Limnology Of Tundra Ponds: Barrow, Alaska. Stroudsburg, PA: Dowden, Hutchinson and Ross, 1980.
Federle, T. W, and J. R Vestal. Microbial Colonization And Decomposition Of (Carex) Litter In An Arctic Lake. Applied And Environmental Microbiology 39. Applied And Environmental Microbiology (1980): 888-893.
Buchanan, C., and J. F Haney. Vertical Migrations Of Zooplankton In The Arctic: A Test Of The Environmental Controls. In Evolution And Ecology Of Zooplankton Communities, 69-79. Evolution And Ecology Of Zooplankton Communities. Hanover, NH: The University Press of New England, 1980.
F Stuart Chapin III, and Gaius R Shaver. Changes In Soil Properties And Vegetation Following Disturbance Of Alaskan Arctic Tundra. Journal Of Applied Ecology 18, no. 2. Journal Of Applied Ecology (1981): 605-617. doi:10.2307/2402420.
Luecke, Chris. The Effect Of Heterocope Predation On Arctic Pond Zooplankton Communities. Department Of Ecology And Evolutionary Biology. Department Of Ecology And Evolutionary Biology. University of Kansas, 1981.
McKinley, V. L. Effect Of Hydrocarbons And Ph On Litter Decomposition And Primary Production In An Arctic Lake. Department Of Biological Sciences. Department Of Biological Sciences. University of Cincinnati, 1981.
Shaver, Gaius R. Mineral Nutrition And Leaf Longevity In An Evergreen Shrub, Ledum Palustre Ssp. Decumbens. Oecologia 49, no. 3. Oecologia (1981): 362-365. doi:10.1007/BF00347599.
Luecke, Chris, and W. John O'Brien. Phototoxicity And Fish Predation: Selective Factors In Color Morphs In Heterocope. Limnology And Oceanography 26. Limnology And Oceanography (1981): 454-460. doi:10.4319/lo.1981.26.3.0454.
Luecke, Chris, and John W. O'Brien. Phototoxicity And Fish Predation: Selective Factors In Color Morphs In Heterocope1: Coloration Of Heterocope. Limnology And Oceanography 26. Limnology And Oceanography (1981): 454–460. doi:10.4319/lo.1981.26.3.0454.
Federle, T. W. The Processes And Control Of The Microbial Colonization And Decomposition Of Plant Litter In An Arctic Lake. Department Of Biological Sciences. Department Of Biological Sciences. University of Cincinnati, 1981.
Cuker, B. E, and S. C Mozley. Summer Population Fluctuations, Feeding, And Growth Of Hydra In An Arctic Lake. Limnology And Oceanography 26, no. 4. Limnology And Oceanography (1981): 697-708. doi:10.4319/lo.1981.26.4.0697.
Cuker, Benjamin E, and Samuel C Mozley. Summer Population Fluctuations, Feeding, And Growth Of \Textit{Hydra In An Arctic Lake1: Hydra In An Arctic Lake. Limnology And Oceanography 26. Limnology And Oceanography (1981): 697–708. doi:10.4319/lo.1981.26.4.0697.
O'Brien, W. John, and D. Kettle. A Zooplankton Bioassay Chamber For Lab And Field Use. Journal Of Plankton Research 3. Journal Of Plankton Research (1981): 561-566. doi:10.1093/plankt/3.4.561.
