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M Bret-Harte, Syndonia, Gaius R Shaver, and F Stuart Chapin III. Primary And Secondary Stem Growth In Arctic Shrubs: Implications For Community Response To Environmental Change. Journal Of Ecology 90, no. 2. Journal Of Ecology (2002): 251-267. doi:10.1046/j.1365-2745.2001.00657.x.
M Bret-Harte, Syndonia, Michelle C Mack, Gaius R Shaver, D. C Huebner, Miriam Johnston, C. A Mojica, Camila Pizano, and J. A Reiskind. The Response Of Arctic Vegetation And Soils Following The Anaktuvuk River Fire Of 2007. Proceedings Of The Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 368. Proceedings Of The Royal Society B: Biological Sciences (2013): 1624. doi:10.1098/rstb.2012.0490.
Brosten, Troy R, John H Bradford, James P McNamara, Michael N Gooseff, J. P Zarnetske, William B Bowden, and Morgan E Johnston. Multi-Offset Gpr Methods For Hyporheic Zone Investigations. Near Surface Geophysics 7, no. 4. Near Surface Geophysics (2009): 247-257. doi:10.3997/1873-0604.2008034.
Brosten, Troy R, John H Bradford, James P McNamara, J. P Zarnetske, Michael N Gooseff, and William B Bowden. Profiles Of Temporal Thaw Depth Beneath Two Arctic Stream Types Using Ground-Penetrating Radar. Permafrost And Periglacial Processes 17, no. 4. Permafrost And Periglacial Processes (2006): 341-355. doi:10.1002/ppp.566.
Brown, J., K. M Hinkel, and F. E Nelson. The Circumpolar Active Layer Monitoring (Calm) Program: Research Designs And Initial Results. Polar Geography 24, no. 2. Polar Geography (2000): 165-258. doi:10.1080/10889370009377698.
Buckeridge, Kate M, and Jennie R Mclaren. Does Plant Community Plasticity Mediate Microbial Homeostasis?. Ecology And Evolution 10, no. 12. Ecology And Evolution (2020): 5251 - 5258. doi:10.1002/ece3.v10.1210.1002/ece3.6269.
Butler, Malcolm G. A 7-Year Life Cycle For Two \Textit{Chironomus Species In Arctic Alaskan Tundra Ponds (Diptera: Chironomidae). Canadian Journal Of Zoology 60. Canadian Journal Of Zoology (1982): 58–70. doi:10.1139/z82-008.
Butler, M. G. A Seven-Year Cycle For Two Chironomus Species In Arctic Alaskan Tundra Ponds (Diptera:chironomidae). Canadian Journal Of Zoology 60. Canadian Journal Of Zoology (1982): 58-70. doi:10.1139/z82-008.
Buzby, K. M, and Linda A Deegan. Long-Term Survival Of Adult Arctic Grayling (Thymallus Arcticus) In The Kuparuk River, Alaska. Canadian Journal Of Fisheries And Aquatic Sciences 61, no. 10. Canadian Journal Of Fisheries And Aquatic Sciences (2004): 1954-1964. doi:10.1139/F04-126.
Buzby, K. M, and Linda A Deegan. Inter-Annual Fidelity To Summer Feeding Sites In Arctic Grayling. Environmental Biology Of Fishes 59, no. 3. Environmental Biology Of Fishes (2000): 319-327. doi:10.1023/A:1007626507936.
Buzby, K. M, and Linda A Deegan. Retention Of Anchor And Passive Integrated Transponder Tags By Arctic Grayling. North American Journal Of Fisheries Management 19. North American Journal Of Fisheries Management (1999): 1147-1150. doi:10.1577/1548-8675(1999)019<1147:ROAAPI>2.0.CO;2.
Cahoon, S. MP, P. F Sullivan, Gaius R Shaver, J. M Welker, and E. Post. Interactions Among Shrub Cover And The Soil Microclimate May Determine Future Arctic Carbon Budgets. Ecology Letters 15, no. 12. Ecology Letters (2012): 1415-1422. doi:10.1111/j.1461-0248.2012.01865.x.
Callaghan, Terry V, L. O Björn, Y. Chernov, F Stuart Chapin III, Torben R Christensen, B. Huntley, R. A Ims, N. Panikov, et al.. Uncertainties And Recommendations. Ambio 33, no. 7. Ambio (2004): 474-479. doi:10.1579/0044-7447-33.7.474.
