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Eugster, W., and L. Merbold. Eddy Covariance For Quantifying Trace Gas Fluxes From Soils. Soil 1. Soil (2015): 187–205. doi:10.5194/soil-1-187-2015.
Rastetter, Edward B, and J. J Vallino. Ecosystem’s 80Th And The Reemergence Of Emergence. Ecosystems 18, no. 5. Ecosystems (2015): 735 - 739. doi:10.1007/s10021-015-9893-6.
Kratz, T. K, Linda A Deegan, M. E Harmon, and W. K Lauenroth. Ecological Variability In Space And Time: Insights Gained From The Us Lter Program. Bioscience 53, no. 1. Bioscience (2003): 57-67. doi:10.1641/0006-3568(2003)053%5B0057:EVISAT%5D2.0.CO;2.
Gough, Laura, P. A Wookey, and Gaius R Shaver. Dry Heath Arctic Tundra Responses To Long-Term Nutrient And Light Manipulation. Arctic, Antarctic And Alpine Research 34, no. 2. Arctic, Antarctic And Alpine Research (2002): 211-218. doi:10.2307/1552473.
Rocha, Adrian V, and M. L Goulden. Drought Legacies Influence The Long-Term Carbon Balance Of A Freshwater Marsh. Journal Of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 115, no. G3. Journal Of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences (2010): 9 pp. doi:10.1029/2009JG001215.
Buckeridge, Kate M, and Jennie R Mclaren. Does Plant Community Plasticity Mediate Microbial Homeostasis?. Ecology And Evolution 10, no. 12. Ecology And Evolution (2020): 5251 - 5258. doi:10.1002/ece3.v10.1210.1002/ece3.6269.
Boelman, Natalie T, Laura Gough, Jennie R Mclaren, and Heather Greaves. Does Ndvi Reflect Variation In The Structural Attributes Associated With Increasing Shrub Dominance In Arctic Tundra?. Environmental Research Letters 6, no. 3. Environmental Research Letters (2011): 035501. doi:10.1088/1748-9326/6/3/035501.
McGraw, James B, J. B Turner, J. L Chandler, and M. C Vavrek. Disturbances As Hot Spots Of Ecotypic Variation: A Case Study With Dryas Octopetala. Arctic, Antarctic And Alpine Research 46. Arctic, Antarctic And Alpine Research (2014): 542-547. doi:10.1657/1938-4246-46.3.542.
McGraw, James B, Jessica B Turner, Jennifer L Chandler, and Milan C Vavrek. Disturbances As Hot Spots Of Ecotypic Variation: A Case Study With \Textit{Dryas Octopetala. Arctic, Antarctic, And Alpine Research 46. Arctic, Antarctic, And Alpine Research (2014): 542–547. doi:10.1657/1938-4246-46.3.542.
