Linking biblio authors to people

The DEIMS person content has a Associated Biblio Author field.  In order to populated this field I created two data export views:

1) I exported a csv file of  "Author id","Author full name","Author last name", "","","Person Name","Email","Nid","Title"  (note that the Person Name is the from the person content referencing that Author id)

2) A csv file of  "Nid","Name","Last Name","Associated Biblio Author" from the person content

Then I use Excel to try and match a "Author last name" to a person "Last Name"  and of course you need to edit it to check for a correct match.  Once I had a csv file with the matched names, i.e. "Nid","Name","Last Name","Associated Biblio Author"  I then use feeds to import the file back in.

Note:  You may need at least  Feeds ver 7.x-2.0-beta1  See Use other field as an unique target in Feeds for details.

Below are links to the export views, feed importer and Excel files.

Author 2 people view

Person Associated Biblio Author view

Feed importer

Example Excel file for matching the names.