
Adding LTER site field to biblio bibtex output and fixing thesis export

In preparing a bibtex export of publications for the 40th LTER anniversity review the export needs to include in the keywords - LTER-XXX, where XXX=  three-letter site acronym.


So now we are not adding the ltersite field but we will need to add LTER-XXX as a keyword.  So a simple wayis to:

Using Display Suite to add a link to a field.

The DOI field in Data Set content is a text field not a link field type.  With Dispaly Suite Fields one can add a code field that will linked the DOI to

The trick here is to use tokens to display the DOI and to link to.

So: Administration -> Structure -> Display Suite-> Fields and Add a code field. 

Give it a  Label and check Entities-> Node and at the bottom check Tokens

The token for the DOI field is: [node:field_doi].  You can browse the available tokens to find all the available tokens.

Disabling the increase of revision number when a data set is saved.

  • The update of the revision number when data sets are saved was not useful since the number can get out of hand when doing multiple saves.  In the eml module the "drupal_root"/profiles/deims/modules/custom/eml/lib/EmlDataSet.php has a funtion to update the revision.  I modified as such: (Note that below code uses the a patch file - and + notations.)

   public function incrementEMLRevisionID() {
     $revision_id = $this->getEMLRevisionID();
-    if (!empty($revision_id)) {
-      $revision_id++;
-    }

Adding SSL certificates for https

Follow this web page to get a key and csr file.

I did this for both and sites 

Note you need to put in the full site name when genrating the .csr file.

I then submitted the csr file (2048 bit long modulus) to mbl helpdesk to get a certificate.

Copied the certificates to /etc/ssl/certs and key file to /etc/ssl/private


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