Data Sets by LTER or Collaborating Project
Daily meteorological data from Toolik Field Station, Alaska (1988-2017)
Weather data has been collected at Toolik Field Station (68 degrees 38'N, 149 degrees 36'W) since June 1988. The weather station located at the field station was originally installed by the Arctic...
Hourly meteorological data from Toolik Field Station, Alaska (1988-2017).
Weather data has been collected at Toolik Field Station (68 degrees 38'N, 149 degrees 36'W) since June 1988. The weather station located at the field station was originally installed by the Arctic...
Meteorological data in three hour intervals from Toolik Field Station, Alaska (1988-2017)
Weather data has been collected at Toolik Field Station (68 degrees 38'N, 149 degrees 36'W) since June 1988. The weather station located at the field station was originally installed by the Arctic...
Meteorological data in five minute intervals from Toolik Field Station, Alaska (2009-2017)
Weather data has been collected at Toolik Field Station (68 degrees 38'N, 149 degrees 36'W) since June 1988. The weather station located at the field station was originally installed by the Arctic...
Eddy Flux Measurements, Tussock Station, Imnavait Creek, Alaska - 2017
The Biocomplexity Station was established in 2005 to measure landscape-level carbon, water and energy balances at Imnavait Creek, Alaska. The station is now contributing valuable data to the...
Eddy Flux Measurements, Fen Station, Imnavait Creek, Alaska - 2017
In contribution to the Arctic Observing Network, the researchers have established two observatories of landscape-level carbon, water and energy balances at Imnaviat Creek, Alaska and at...
Tussock watershed thaw depth survey summary for 1990 to present, Arctic Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER), Toolik Research Station, Alaska.
Thaw depth was measured since 1990 using a steel probe in the Tussock watershed just south of Toolik Lake, Alaska, on a gentle slope dominated by moist, non-acidic tussock tundra. At least two...
Moss point transect data for the Kuparuk River near Toolik Field Station, Alaska 1993-current.
This file contains the consolidated data for percent cover of dominant bryophytes and other easily identifiable macro-algae in the experimental reaches of the Kuparuk River beginning in 1993 and...
Arctic Grayling length, weight and tag data from Arctic LTER Streams project, Toolik Filed Station Alaska, 1985 to 2018
Since 1983, the Streams Project at the Toolik Field Station has monitored physical, chemical, and biological parameters in a 5-km, fourth-order reach of the Kuparuk River near its intersection...
Biogeochemistry data set for Imnavait Creek Weir on the North Slope of Alaska 2002-2018
Data file containing biogeochemical data of water samples collected in Imnavait Creek, North Slope of Alaska. Sample site descriptors include a unique assigned number (sortchem), site, date, time...