
AON Imnavait
George Kling, 2007 Imnavait Watershed Thaw Depth Survey Summary for 2003 to present, Arctic LTER, Toolik Research Station, Alaska.. 10.6073/pasta/022a6e4bfee8329b5fd40b7691494e1d
Thaw depth was measured using a steel probe in the Imnavait Creek watershed, near Toolik Lake, Alaska. The thaw grid includes measurements made from the valley bottom (on both sides of the stream), up the hillslope to the hilltop (watershed boundary). The thaw grid is near Imnavait water tracks 7 and 8, and measurements have been made from the 2003 season until present. Two surveys are conducted each summer, on 2 July and on 11 August (plus or minus 1-2 days on either side of those dates).
Burn Terrestrial Data
Michelle Mack, 2011 Burned soil surface radiocarbon values for moss macrofossils plucked from the Anaktuvuk River Fire sites. 10.6073/pasta/728ade46a3372446d391943c97141949
We used radiocarbon dating of the organic soil surface remaining post-fire to examine whether the fire burned into ancient and likely irreplaceable soil C pools. Suprisingly, it did not; all radiocarbon dates from burned soil surfaces contained bomb carbon, setting the maximum age of the burned soil surfaces at ~50 years.
Michelle Mack, 2011 Characterization of burned and unburned moist acidic tundra soils for estimating C and N loss from the 2007 Anaktuvuk River Fire, sampled in 2008.. 10.6073/pasta/9043cfa962143905d03b4ab67acc8fa7
This file contains the soil profile data for burned and unburned moist acidic tundra sites used to estimate C and N loss from the Anaktuvuk River Fire (2007). These sites were sampled in summer of 2008. Unburned sites were used to develop a method for estimating soil organic layer depth and plant biomass, and for determining the characteristics of unburned soil organic layers. In burned sites, we characterized residual organic soils and used biometric measurements of tussocks to reconstruct pre-fire soil organic layer depth.
Michelle Mack, 2011 Estimates of C and N loss from moist acidic tundra sites burned in the 2007 Anaktuvuk River Fire.. 10.6073/pasta/92512f58a584bca14ceaf04d062f8ee5
Estimated mean pre-fire C and N pools, and C and N loss from 20 sites in the Anaktuvuk River Fire (2007). These sites were sampled in summer of 2008. In each site, we characterized residual organic soils and used biometric relationships developed in unburned sites to reconstruct pre-fire soil organic layer depth, and plant and soil C and N pools. We then estimated fire-driven losses of C and N from plant and soil organic layer pools.
Adrian V Rocha, Gaius Shaver, 2015 Anaktuvuk River fire scar thaw depth measurements during the 2008 to 2014 growing season. 10.6073/pasta/93121fc86e6fbcf88de4a9350609aed6
The Anaktuvuk River Fire occurred in 2007 on the North Slope of Alaska. In 2008, three eddy covariance towers were established at sites represent ing unburned tundra, moderately burned tundra, and severely burned tundra. Several times during the 2008-2014 growing seasons, thaw depth was measured at approximately 70 points near each of these towers . Data presented here are the individual measurements for each site and date.
Adrian V Rocha, Gaius Shaver, 2015 Anaktuvuk River fire scar eriophorum vaginatum flowering during the 2008-2014 growing seasons. 10.6073/pasta/dd7955138eb963a847b861242390a48c
The Anaktuvuk River Fire occurred in 2007 on the North Slope of Alaska. In 2008, three eddy covariance towers were established at sites representing unburned tundra, moderately burned tundra, and severely burned tundra. Eriophorum vaginatum flowers were counted from annual photographs of each site during peak flowering season (6/17-7/20).
Adrian V Rocha, Gaius Shaver, 2015 Anaktuvuk River fire scar canopy reflectance spectra from the 2008-2014 growing seasons, North Slope Alaska.. 10.6073/pasta/ce1f38604169aa052e288f9371a82e92
The Anaktuvuk River Fire occurred in 2007 on the North Slope of Alaska. In 2008, three eddy covariance towers were established at sites represent ing unburned tundra, moderately burned tundra, and severely burned tundra. During the 2008-2014 growing seasons, canopy vegetation within the footprint of each of these towers was scanned with a handheld spectrophotometer several times throughout the growing season. Average reflectance spectra per site and collection day are presented here.
Changing Seasonality and Arctic Stream Networks
Michael Gooseff, 2013 Peat Inlet well #1 depth in summer 2011. 10.6073/pasta/af320587de86dc41982e3d3db809ea8a
Data on sensor depth gathered from PIn Well 1 in 2011 from the CSASN-1 project. A HOBO U23 water level logger was used. This data is used to understand frost table changes throughout the season.
Michael Gooseff, 2013 Peat Inlet well #2 depth in summer 2011. 10.6073/pasta/6bf2dbe830671802c5ecb3c495f1f058
Data on sensor depth gathered from PIn Well 2 in 2011 from the CSASN-1 project. A HOBO U23 water level logger was used. This data is used to understand frost table changes throughout the season.
Michael Gooseff, 2013 I8 Inlet well #5 depth in summer 2011. 10.6073/pasta/e997565ef86b7feb70be15ee07ad0294
Data on sensor depth gathered from I8In Well 5 in 2011 from the CSASN-1 project. A HOBO U23 water level logger was used. This data is used to understand frost table changes throughout the season.
Michael Gooseff, 2013 I8 Inlet well #7 depth in summer 2011. 10.6073/pasta/1085153473ea8df13451b1c0c7fe7bc5
Data on sensor depth gathered from I8In Well 7 in 2011 from the CSASN-1 project. A HOBO U23 water level logger was used. This data is used to understand frost table changes throughout the season.
Michael Gooseff, 2013 Peat Inlet well #5 depth in summer 2011. 10.6073/pasta/9155d4632738c1328954984fcdd863fe
Data on sensor depth gathered from I8In Well 5 in 2011 from the CSASN-1 project. A HOBO U23 water level logger was used. This data is used to understand frost table changes throughout the season.
Michael Gooseff, 2013 I8 Inlet well #1 depth in summer 2011. 10.6073/pasta/3ea5e43f0da7adb5180d2db46128c3ff
Data on sensor depth gathered from I8In Well 1 in 2011 from the CSASN-1 project. A HOBO U23 water level logger was used. This data is used to understand frost table changes throughout the season.
Michael Gooseff, 2013 I8 Inlet well #4 depth in summer 2011. 10.6073/pasta/b141523b2c8c9fb3bcf70252a0b0dcf9
Data on sensor depth gathered from I8In Well 4 in 2011 from the CSASN-1 project. A HOBO U23 water level logger was used. This data is used to understand frost table changes throughout the season.
Michael Gooseff, 2013 I8 Inlet well #2 depth in summer 2011. 10.6073/pasta/265e39d591f41f6ec0abfcbf3404e64a
Data on sensor depth gathered from I8In Well 2 in 2011 from the CSASN-1 project. A HOBO U23 water level logger was used. This data is used to understand frost table changes throughout the season.
Michael Gooseff, 2013 Peat Inlet well #4 depth in summer 2011. 10.6073/pasta/eecce1502fa9210fe081d060b9b26775
Data on sensor depth gathered from PIn Well 4 in 2011 from the CSASN-1 project. A HOBO U23 water level logger was used. This data is used to understand frost table changes throughout the season.
Michael Gooseff, 2013 I8 Inlet well #8 depth in summer 2011. 10.6073/pasta/bf9eb0959d56cc203c97ea52946aad7a
Data on sensor depth gathered from I8In Well 8 in 2011 from the CSASN-1 project. A HOBO U23 water level logger was used. This data is used to understand frost table changes throughout the season.
Michael Gooseff, 2013 I8 Inlet well #6 depth in summer 2011. 10.6073/pasta/b21d76c698fb3143f9006863b1706c05
Data on sensor depth gathered from I8In Well 6 in 2011 from the CSASN-1 project. A HOBO U23 water level logger was used. This data is used to understand frost table changes throughout the season.
Michael Gooseff, 2013 Peat Inlet well #8 depth in summer 2011. 10.6073/pasta/4cee4ccf5d7edabd50a92fbe863536ca
Data on sensor depth gathered from PIn Well 8 in 2011 from the CSASN-1 project. A HOBO U23 water level logger was used. This data is used to understand frost table changes throughout the season.
Michael Gooseff, 2013 Peat Inlet well #7 depth in summer 2011. 10.6073/pasta/a6da9e77bd4944730f3b8fc38388bec9
Data on sensor depth gathered from Pin Well 7 in 2011 from the CSASN-1 project. A HOBO U23 water level logger was used. This data is used to understand frost table changes throughout the season.
Michael Gooseff, 2013 Peat Inlet well #6 depth in summer 2011. 10.6073/pasta/11fda032461f0f112b976e1d8830fc52
Data on sensor depth gathered from PIn Well 6 in 2011 from the CSASN-1 project. A HOBO U23 water level logger was used. This data is used to understand frost table changes throughout the season.
Michael Gooseff, 2013 Peat Inlet well #3 depth in summer 2011. 10.6073/pasta/f0c513552d45b605b9049df9d0ce4dda
Data on sensor depth gathered from PIn Well 3 in 2011 from the CSASN-1 project. A HOBO U23 water level logger was used. This data is used to understand frost table changes throughout the season.
Michael Gooseff, 2013 I8 Inlet well #3 depth in summer 2011. 10.6073/pasta/51ab7dca36232d5f843393ebdcdd7c27
Data on sensor depth gathered from I8In Well 3 in 2011 from the CSASN-1 project. A HOBO U23 water level logger was used. This data is used to understand frost table changes throughout the season.
William "Breck" Bowden, 2013 Substrate and cover types on the stream bottom determined by point transects for streams near the Toolik Field Station, Alaska, for 2010.. 10.6073/pasta/a3de00f9b8f9d563e8bb2fd37e362bb0
The Changing Seasonality of Arctic Stream Systems (CSASN) was active from 2010 to 2012. The CSASN goal was to quantify the relative influences of through flow, lateral inputs, and hyporheic regeneration on the seasonal fluxes C, N, and P in an arctic river network, and to determine how these influences might shift under seasonal conditions that are likely to be substantially different in the future. Point transects were done throughout the sampling season to determine different substrate and cover types on the stream bottom.
Data Photo Coupled
Rose Cory, Jennifer C Bowen, Collin P Ward, George Kling, 2020 Photo-oxidation and photomineralization apparent quantum yield dataset for dissolved organic carbon leached from permafrost soils collected from the North Slope of Alaska, July 2018.. 10.6073/pasta/201f8d4009eec890d937b177da9eb919
Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) was leached from permafrost soils near the Toolik Field Station in the Alaskan Arctic and then characterized for its photochemical properties.  Oxygen (O2) consumed from photo-oxidation of permafrost DOC was measured as a function of sunlight wavelength, defined as the apparent quantum yield spectrum of photo-oxidation (O2 consumed per mol photon absorbed by DOC).  Carbon dioxide (CO2) produced from photomineralization of permafrost DOC was measured as a function of sunlight wavelength, defined as the apparent quantum yield spectrum of photomineralization (CO2
Rose Cory, Jennifer C Bowen, Collin P Ward, George Kling, 2020 Radiocarbon and stable carbon isotope dataset for DOC leached from permafrost soils collected from the North Slope of Alaska in the summer of 2018. 10.6073/pasta/7a725525fcc5da13615e04e7da2a947c
Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) was leached from p
Rose Cory, Jennifer C Bowen, Collin P Ward, George Kling, 2020 Photodegradation of carboxyl DOC from permafrost soils collected from the North Slope of Alaska in the summer of 2015. 10.6073/pasta/695af896f3079ec15345ac803e442798
Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) was leached from permafrost soils near the Toolik Field Station in the Alaskan Arctic and then characterized for its photochemical properties.  The photodegradation of carboxyl carbon (C) within permafrost DOC was quantified by 13C nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). 
Rose Cory, Jennifer C Bowen, Collin P Ward, George Kling, 2020 Water chemistry of leachates prepared from permafrost soils collected from the North Slope of Alaska in the summers of 2015 and 2018. 10.6073/pasta/1799c4308272c99d54ef6cf84d5b4232
Soils were collected from the frozen permafrost layer (greater than 60 cm below the surface) at six sites underlying tussock or wet sedge vegetation, and on three glacial surfaces on the North Slope of Alaska during the summers of 2015 and 2018.  Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) was leached from each permafrost soil and the water chemistry was analyzed.
Rose Cory, Jennifer C Bowen, Collin P Ward, George Kling, 2020 Radiocarbon and stable carbon isotopes of CO2 produced from photomineralization of DOC leached from permafrost soils collected from the North Slope of Alaska in the summer of 2018. 10.6073/pasta/ecf54f89183f7bbbb7bd5d931e7323f5
Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) was leached from permafrost soils near the Toolik Field Station in the Alaskan Arctic and then characterized for its photochemical properties.  The radiocarbon (14C) and stable carbon (13C) isotopic compositions of carbon dioxide (CO2) photochemically produced from permafrost DOC were quantified. 
Rose Cory, Jennifer C Bowen, Collin P Ward, George Kling, 2020 Preparation of DOC leachates from permafrost soils collected from the North Slope of Alaska in the summer of 2018. 10.6073/pasta/f35194d541f3b55fdd1778e2af52c676
Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) was leached from permafrost soils collected from the frozen permafrost layer at five sites underlying moist acidic tussock or wet sedge vegetation, and on three glacial surfaces on the North Slope of Alaska during summer 2018.
Rose Cory, Jennifer C Bowen, Collin P Ward, George Kling, 2020 Photomineralization apparent quantum yield at 309 nm for DOC leached from permafrost soils collected from the North Slope of Alaska in the summer of 2015. 10.6073/pasta/489bef4d2aa61e03bb77981605511b1d
Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) was leached from permafrost soils near the Toolik Field Station in the Alaskan Arctic and then characterized for its photochemical properties.  The apparent quantum yield of photomineralization (photochemical carbon dioxide, CO2, production) of permafrost DOC was quantified at 309 nm. 
Streams Insects
Alex Huryn, 2022 Invertebrate Community Asemblage from the Arctic LTER Upper Kuparuk River Reference (2001-2012) and Fertilized Reach (2002-2016), Toolik Field Station, Alaska. 10.6073/pasta/7f281726bfa59df3928b774c5baa6cb3
Surber sampler (25 X 25 cm frame fitted with a 243 um mesh net) was used to sample invertebrates at on the Kuparuk River in Reference (2001-2012) and Fertilized Reach (2002-2016) reach.
Ecotypes Disturbance experiments
Thomas Parker, Jianwu Tang, Ned Fetcher, Michael L Moody, 2019 Soil respiration from a mycorrhizal and root exclusion experiment at Toolik Lake Field Station and Anaktuvuk River Burn, Alaska in 2016. 10.6073/pasta/40c946f076355aa2523ee4847f745b51
Organic soil from either the Anaktuvik severe burn or Toolik Lake were collected to test of effect of removal of mycorrhizae on decompositon of tundra at Toolik Lake and the Anaktuvuk Burn IN 2016.
A licor 6400 with 6400-09 soil respiration chamber was used to measure soil respiration (efflux) from the cores on a weekly basis.
Lakes Chlorophyll and Primary Production
Anne Giblin, George Kling, 1995 Chlorophyll a and primary productivity data for various lakes near Toolik Research Station, Arctic LTER. Summer 1983 to 1989.. 10.6073/pasta/26bc0b31099bafcdf964dd47b0d654ec
Decadal file describing the chlorophyll a and primary production in various lakes near Toolik Research Station (68 38'N, 149 36'W) during summers from 1983 to 1989. Sample site descriptors include an assigned number (sortchem), site, date of analysis (incubation), time, depth and rates of primary production. The amount of chlorophyll a and pheophytin were also measured.
Anne Giblin, George Kling, 2022 Chlorophyll a and primary productivity data for various lakes near Toolik Research Station, Alaska, Arctic LTER. Summer 2010 to 2020. 10.6073/pasta/1981b68e5b34e2a87436cdf76e40b417
Decadal file describing the chlorophyll a and primary production in various lakes near Toolik Research Station (68 38'N, 149 36'W) during summers from 2010 to 2020. Sample site descriptors include an assigned number (sortchem), site, date of analysis (incubation), time, depth and rates of primary production. The amount of chlorophyll a and pheophytin were also measured.
Anne Giblin, George Kling, 1992 Chlorophyll a and primary productivity data for various lakes near Toolik Research Station, Arctic LTER. Summer 1990 to 1999.. 10.6073/pasta/1b1538449340e68760cf86d92d7082de
Decadal file describing the chlorophyll a and primary production in various lakes near Toolik Research Station (68 38'N, 149 36'W) during summers from 1990 to 1999. Sample site descriptors include an assigned number (sortchem), site, date of analysis (incubation), time, depth and rates of primary production. The amount of chlorophyll a and pheophytin were also measured.
Anne Giblin, George Kling, 1992 Chlorophyll a and primary productivity data for various lakes near Toolik Research Station, Arctic LTER. Summer 2000 to 2009.. 10.6073/pasta/c14fe6e5bb0e2a2c6a74d51a6943c667
Decadal file describing the chlorophyll a and primary production in  various lakes near Toolik Research Station (68 38'N, 149 36'W) during summers from 2000 to 2009.  Sample site descriptors include an assigned number (sortchem), site, date of analysis (incubation), time, depth and rates of primary production.  The amount of chlorophyll a and pheophytin were also measured.
Terrestrial Plant Communities and Plant Species List
Austin Roy, Jennie McLaren, 2022 Soil and plant biogeochemical and soil temperature variables collected at brown lemming (Lemmus trimucronatus) and tundra vole (Microtus oeconomus) structure sties near Nome, Toolik Lake, and Utqaigvik, Alaska, summer 2018-2020. 10.6073/pasta/bfb12a6cf2ccf923df22bce8e4353f69
Soil and plant sampling analysis under small mammal-built structures and controls sites from near the Team Vole fences: Nome, Toolik, Utqiagvik, AK 2018-2020.
Thermokarst MEL
Andrea Pearce, 2014 Long term response of arctic tussock tundra to thermal erosion features: A modeling analysis. Tussock tundra regrowth after a thermal erosion event: Simulation F - increased N deposition. 10.6073/pasta/04a2ff938b67d9d1dd4e648d370856b6
The Multiple Element Limitation (MEL) model is used to simulate the recovery of Alaskan arctic tussock tundra to thermal erosion features (TEFs) caused by permafrost thaw and mass wasting. TEFs could be significant to regional carbon (C) and nutrient budgets because permafrost soils contain large stocks of soil organic matter (SOM) and TEFs are expected to become more frequent as climate warms. These simulations deal only with recovery following TEF stabilization and do not address initial losses of C and nutrients during TEF formation.
Andrea Pearce, 2014 Long term response of arctic tussock tundra to thermal erosion features: A modeling analysis. A 100 yr old thermal erosion event response to N fertilization.. 10.6073/pasta/a1464ee098b4693f2aea4078b3e5a35c
The Multiple Element Limitation (MEL) model is used to simulate the recovery of Alaskan arctic tussock tundra to thermal erosion features (TEFs) caused by permafrost thaw and mass wasting. TEFs could be significant to regional carbon (C) and nutrient budgets because permafrost soils contain large stocks of soil organic matter (SOM) and TEFs are expected to become more frequent as climate warms. These simulations deal only with recovery following TEF stabilization and do not address initial losses of C and nutrients during TEF formation.
Andrea Pearce, 2014 Long term response of arctic tussock tundra to thermal erosion features: A modeling analysis. Tussock tundra control simulation. 10.6073/pasta/46323340d5b33913e9399e750cb3600b
The Multiple Element Limitation (MEL) model is used to simulate the recovery of Alaskan arctic tussock tundra to thermal erosion features (TEFs) caused by permafrost thaw and mass wasting. TEFs could be significant to regional carbon (C) and nutrient budgets because permafrost soils contain large stocks of soil organic matter (SOM) and TEFs are expected to become more frequent as climate warms. These simulations deal only with recovery following TEF stabilization and do not address initial losses of C and nutrients during TEF formation.
Andrea Pearce, 2014 Long term response of arctic tussock tundra to thermal erosion features: A modeling analysis. A 100 yr old thermal erosion event response to NP fertilization.. 10.6073/pasta/f7bb757427c523e546489a2f4cf957d4
The Multiple Element Limitation (MEL) model is used to simulate the recovery of Alaskan arctic tussock tundra to thermal erosion features (TEFs) caused by permafrost thaw and mass wasting. TEFs could be significant to regional carbon (C) and nutrient budgets because permafrost soils contain large stocks of soil organic matter (SOM) and TEFs are expected to become more frequent as climate warms. These simulations deal only with recovery following TEF stabilization and do not address initial losses of C and nutrients during TEF formation.
Andrea Pearce, 2014 Long term response of arctic tussock tundra to thermal erosion features: A modeling analysis. Tussock tundra regrowth after a thermal erosion event: Simulation E - reduced Phase I soil organic matter. 10.6073/pasta/5534808e2359f56db12593fde6bb42d0
The Multiple Element Limitation (MEL) model is used to simulate the recovery of Alaskan arctic tussock tundra to thermal erosion features (TEFs) caused by permafrost thaw and mass wasting. TEFs could be significant to regional carbon (C) and nutrient budgets because permafrost soils contain large stocks of soil organic matter (SOM) and TEFs are expected to become more frequent as climate warms. These simulations deal only with recovery following TEF stabilization and do not address initial losses of C and nutrients during TEF formation.
Andrea Pearce, 2014 Long term response of arctic tussock tundra to thermal erosion features: A modeling analysis. A 100 yr old thermal erosion event under control conditions.. 10.6073/pasta/8adc3b89c8c73fe1870ad82536575f99
The Multiple Element Limitation (MEL) model is used to simulate the recovery of Alaskan arctic tussock tundra to thermal erosion features (TEFs) caused by permafrost thaw and mass wasting. TEFs could be significant to regional carbon (C) and nutrient budgets because permafrost soils contain large stocks of soil organic matter (SOM) and TEFs are expected to become more frequent as climate warms. These simulations deal only with recovery following TEF stabilization and do not address initial losses of C and nutrients during TEF formation.
Andrea Pearce, 2014 Long term response of arctic tussock tundra to thermal erosion features: A modeling analysis. Tussock tundra regrowth after a thermal erosion event: Simulation A - increased Phase II soil organic matter. 10.6073/pasta/83564c3cce28be248d93b384d58ffda1
The Multiple Element Limitation (MEL) model is used to simulate the recovery of Alaskan arctic tussock tundra to thermal erosion features (TEFs) caused by permafrost thaw and mass wasting. TEFs could be significant to regional carbon (C) and nutrient budgets because permafrost soils contain large stocks of soil organic matter (SOM) and TEFs are expected to become more frequent as climate warms. These simulations deal only with recovery following TEF stabilization and do not address initial losses of C and nutrients during TEF formation.
Andrea Pearce, 2014 Long term response of arctic tussock tundra to thermal erosion features: A modeling analysis. A 100 yr old thermal erosion event response to P fertilization.. 10.6073/pasta/7d253bd599910b0a6497c83d74369f32
The Multiple Element Limitation (MEL) model is used to simulate the recovery of Alaskan arctic tussock tundra to thermal erosion features (TEFs) caused by permafrost thaw and mass wasting. TEFs could be significant to regional carbon (C) and nutrient budgets because permafrost soils contain large stocks of soil organic matter (SOM) and TEFs are expected to become more frequent as climate warms. These simulations deal only with recovery following TEF stabilization and do not address initial losses of C and nutrients during TEF formation.
Andrea Pearce, 2014 Long term response of arctic tussock tundra to thermal erosion features: A modeling analysis. Tussock tundra regrowth after a thermal erosion event: Simulation I - doubled Phase I decomposition. 10.6073/pasta/3171b861f8c2009bdd2d1acdf5738179
The Multiple Element Limitation (MEL) model is used to simulate the recovery of Alaskan arctic tussock tundra to thermal erosion features (TEFs) caused by permafrost thaw and mass wasting. TEFs could be significant to regional carbon (C) and nutrient budgets because permafrost soils contain large stocks of soil organic matter (SOM) and TEFs are expected to become more frequent as climate warms. These simulations deal only with recovery following TEF stabilization and do not address initial losses of C and nutrients during TEF formation.
Andrea Pearce, 2014 Long term response of arctic tussock tundra to thermal erosion features: A modeling analysis. Tussock tundra regrowth after a thermal erosion event: Simulation J - doubled Phase II decomposition. 10.6073/pasta/56b00b38bd5dd8c1dc2b1b8b0b1255a8
The Multiple Element Limitation (MEL) model is used to simulate the recovery of Alaskan arctic tussock tundra to thermal erosion features (TEFs) caused by permafrost thaw and mass wasting. TEFs could be significant to regional carbon (C) and nutrient budgets because permafrost soils contain large stocks of soil organic matter (SOM) and TEFs are expected to become more frequent as climate warms. These simulations deal only with recovery following TEF stabilization and do not address initial losses of C and nutrients during TEF formation.
Andrea Pearce, 2014 Long term response of arctic tussock tundra to thermal erosion features: A modeling analysis. Tussock tundra regrowth after a thermal erosion event: Simulation H - increased N and P deposition. 10.6073/pasta/4f6210c24640c0070a871ca95cd53b9f
The Multiple Element Limitation (MEL) model is used to simulate the recovery of Alaskan arctic tussock tundra to thermal erosion features (TEFs) caused by permafrost thaw and mass wasting. TEFs could be significant to regional carbon (C) and nutrient budgets because permafrost soils contain large stocks of soil organic matter (SOM) and TEFs are expected to become more frequent as climate warms. These simulations deal only with recovery following TEF stabilization and do not address initial losses of C and nutrients during TEF formation.
Andrea Pearce, 2014 Long term response of arctic tussock tundra to thermal erosion features: A modeling analysis. Tussock tundra shade house simulation. 10.6073/pasta/8cf3a98c0e86a5b7e17fe9b3ada34199
The Multiple Element Limitation (MEL) model is used to simulate the recovery of Alaskan arctic tussock tundra to thermal erosion features (TEFs) caused by permafrost thaw and mass wasting. TEFs could be significant to regional carbon (C) and nutrient budgets because permafrost soils contain large stocks of soil organic matter (SOM) and TEFs are expected to become more frequent as climate warms. These simulations deal only with recovery following TEF stabilization and do not address initial losses of C and nutrients during TEF formation.
Andrea Pearce, 2014 Long term response of arctic tussock tundra to thermal erosion features: A modeling analysis. Tussock tundra phosphorus fertilization simulation. 10.6073/pasta/055aebf21d403577c188049995c75ca6
The Multiple Element Limitation (MEL) model is used to simulate the recovery of Alaskan arctic tussock tundra to thermal erosion features (TEFs) caused by permafrost thaw and mass wasting. TEFs could be significant to regional carbon (C) and nutrient budgets because permafrost soils contain large stocks of soil organic matter (SOM) and TEFs are expected to become more frequent as climate warms. These simulations deal only with recovery following TEF stabilization and do not address initial losses of C and nutrients during TEF formation.
Andrea Pearce, 2014 Long term response of arctic tussock tundra to thermal erosion features: A modeling analysis. Tussock tundra regrowth after a thermal erosion event: Simulation B - increased Phase I soil organic matter. 10.6073/pasta/e75ab68cb99fd5094c4ebcb660986e61
The Multiple Element Limitation (MEL) model is used to simulate the recovery of Alaskan arctic tussock tundra to thermal erosion features (TEFs) caused by permafrost thaw and mass wasting. TEFs could be significant to regional carbon (C) and nutrient budgets because permafrost soils contain large stocks of soil organic matter (SOM) and TEFs are expected to become more frequent as climate warms. These simulations deal only with recovery following TEF stabilization and do not address initial losses of C and nutrients during TEF formation.
Andrea Pearce, 2014 Long term response of arctic tussock tundra to thermal erosion features: A modeling analysis. Tussock tundra fertilized greenhouse simulation. 10.6073/pasta/e25f1d4053e23f89a1c0e5e93c967553
The Multiple Element Limitation (MEL) model is used to simulate the recovery of Alaskan arctic tussock tundra to thermal erosion features (TEFs) caused by permafrost thaw and mass wasting. TEFs could be significant to regional carbon (C) and nutrient budgets because permafrost soils contain large stocks of soil organic matter (SOM) and TEFs are expected to become more frequent as climate warms. These simulations deal only with recovery following TEF stabilization and do not address initial losses of C and nutrients during TEF formation.
Andrea Pearce, 2014 Long term response of arctic tussock tundra to thermal erosion features: A modeling analysis. Tussock tundra recovery after a thermal erosion event. 10.6073/pasta/ba85d7312407e90a46fac604467f3ac7
The Multiple Element Limitation (MEL) model is used to simulate the recovery of Alaskan arctic tussock tundra to thermal erosion features (TEFs) caused by permafrost thaw and mass wasting. TEFs could be significant to regional carbon (C) and nutrient budgets because permafrost soils contain large stocks of soil organic matter (SOM) and TEFs are expected to become more frequent as climate warms. These simulations deal only with recovery following TEF stabilization and do not address initial losses of C and nutrients during TEF formation.
Andrea Pearce, 2014 Long term response of arctic tussock tundra to thermal erosion features: A modeling analysis. Tussock tundra nitrogen and phosphorus fertilization simulation. 10.6073/pasta/fa66c6160400843ee8936df23b91881c
The Multiple Element Limitation (MEL) model is used to simulate the recovery of Alaskan arctic tussock tundra to thermal erosion features (TEFs) caused by permafrost thaw and mass wasting. TEFs could be significant to regional carbon (C) and nutrient budgets because permafrost soils contain large stocks of soil organic matter (SOM) and TEFs are expected to become more frequent as climate warms. These simulations deal only with recovery following TEF stabilization and do not address initial losses of C and nutrients during TEF formation.
Andrea Pearce, 2014 Long term response of arctic tussock tundra to thermal erosion features: A modeling analysis. Tussock tundra regrowth after a thermal erosion event: Simulation D - reduced Phase I and Phase II soil organic matter. 10.6073/pasta/9f471a11c32968f2aebcc27d292a3694
The Multiple Element Limitation (MEL) model is used to simulate the recovery of Alaskan arctic tussock tundra to thermal erosion features (TEFs) caused by permafrost thaw and mass wasting. TEFs could be significant to regional carbon (C) and nutrient budgets because permafrost soils contain large stocks of soil organic matter (SOM) and TEFs are expected to become more frequent as climate warms. These simulations deal only with recovery following TEF stabilization and do not address initial losses of C and nutrients during TEF formation.
Andrea Pearce, 2014 Long term response of arctic tussock tundra to thermal erosion features: A modeling analysis. Tussock tundra nitrogen fertilized simulation. 10.6073/pasta/be12688c444a9546f2d5fae9182f78f1
The Multiple Element Limitation (MEL) model is used to simulate the recovery of Alaskan arctic tussock tundra to thermal erosion features (TEFs) caused by permafrost thaw and mass wasting. TEFs could be significant to regional carbon (C) and nutrient budgets because permafrost soils contain large stocks of soil organic matter (SOM) and TEFs are expected to become more frequent as climate warms. These simulations deal only with recovery following TEF stabilization and do not address initial losses of C and nutrients during TEF formation.
Andrea Pearce, 2014 Long term response of arctic tussock tundra to thermal erosion features: A modeling analysis. Tussock tundra recovery after a thermal erosion event: saturating nutrients.. 10.6073/pasta/07cba61c48ce8b31830daac1986d1c21
The Multiple Element Limitation (MEL) model is used to simulate the recovery of Alaskan arctic tussock tundra to thermal erosion features (TEFs) caused by permafrost thaw and mass wasting. TEFs could be significant to regional carbon (C) and nutrient budgets because permafrost soils contain large stocks of soil organic matter (SOM) and TEFs are expected to become more frequent as climate warms. These simulations deal only with recovery following TEF stabilization and do not address initial losses of C and nutrients during TEF formation.
Andrea Pearce, 2014 Long term response of arctic tussock tundra to thermal erosion features: A modeling analysis. Tussock tundra regrowth after a thermal erosion event: Simulation C - increased Phase I and Phase II soil organic matter. 10.6073/pasta/b3eb66158a1b1d77148ff63d145e8d90
The Multiple Element Limitation (MEL) model is used to simulate the recovery of Alaskan arctic tussock tundra to thermal erosion features (TEFs) caused by permafrost thaw and mass wasting. TEFs could be significant to regional carbon (C) and nutrient budgets because permafrost soils contain large stocks of soil organic matter (SOM) and TEFs are expected to become more frequent as climate warms. These simulations deal only with recovery following TEF stabilization and do not address initial losses of C and nutrients during TEF formation.
Andrea Pearce, 2014 Long term response of arctic tussock tundra to thermal erosion features: A modeling analysis. Tussock tundra regrowth after a thermal erosion event: Simulation G - increased P deposition. 10.6073/pasta/22cdf3a3353448cb0f819b5121a5c014
The Multiple Element Limitation (MEL) model is used to simulate the recovery of Alaskan arctic tussock tundra to thermal erosion features (TEFs) caused by permafrost thaw and mass wasting. TEFs could be significant to regional carbon (C) and nutrient budgets because permafrost soils contain large stocks of soil organic matter (SOM) and TEFs are expected to become more frequent as climate warms. These simulations deal only with recovery following TEF stabilization and do not address initial losses of C and nutrients during TEF formation.
Andrea Pearce, 2014 Long term response of arctic tussock tundra to thermal erosion features: A modeling analysis. Tussock tundra greenhouse simulation. 10.6073/pasta/97587f197c22b52ab9e637ffca4fceeb
The Multiple Element Limitation (MEL) model is used to simulate the recovery of Alaskan arctic tussock tundra to thermal erosion features (TEFs) caused by permafrost thaw and mass wasting. TEFs could be significant to regional carbon (C) and nutrient budgets because permafrost soils contain large stocks of soil organic matter (SOM) and TEFs are expected to become more frequent as climate warms. These simulations deal only with recovery following TEF stabilization and do not address initial losses of C and nutrients during TEF formation.
Andrea Pearce, 2014 Long term response of arctic tussock tundra to thermal erosion features: A modeling analysis. Undisturbed tussock tundra. 10.6073/pasta/f83d33ff75b3ab2c690564d7c597b364
The Multiple Element Limitation (MEL) model is used to simulate the recovery of Alaskan arctic tussock tundra to thermal erosion features (TEFs) caused by permafrost thaw and mass wasting. TEFs could be significant to regional carbon (C) and nutrient budgets because permafrost soils contain large stocks of soil organic matter (SOM) and TEFs are expected to become more frequent as climate warms. These simulations deal only with recovery following TEF stabilization and do not address initial losses of C and nutrients during TEF formation.
Multi-trophic Impacts Weather
Natalie Boelman, 2013 Daily landscape-level snow cover percent data from (Rich, et al 2013) TLFS, IMVT, and SDOT sitse, in the northern foothills of the Brooks Range, Alaska,spring 2011 to 2014.. 10.6073/pasta/3e946e77c27235edb42176d2fae5e7d5
Daily landscape-level snow cover percent data from Toolik Lake Field Station (TFS), Imnavait (IMVT), and the Sagavanirktok River DOT site (SDOT), in the northern foothills of the Brooks Range, Alaska. Data collected from May to early June 2011 to 2014.
AON Reflectance
Gaius Shaver, 2012 Reflectance spectra of vegetation near Imnavait Creek, AK from the 2008-2010 growing seasons.. 10.6073/pasta/d5648e8f6376c35fd86f4bd2bd76e4ba
A spectrophotometer was used to scan the canopy vegetation at four sites near Imnavait Creek each year from 2008 - 2010 by Toolik Lake LTER, Alaska. Reflectance spectra from 310-1130 nm are presented here with information relating the date and site of the scan.
Gaius Shaver, 2012 Vegetation indices calculated from canopy reflectance spectra at four sites along Imnavait Creek, AK during the 2008-2010 growing seasons.. 10.6073/pasta/bfa61daf6eeb155376a029cef3f79d84
A spectrophotometer was used to scan the canopy vegetation at four sites along Imnavait Creek in the Kuparuk Watershed near Toolik Lake LTER, Alaska. The resulting reflectance spectra were used to calculate average vegetation indices for each site and collection day.
Thermokarst Streams
William "Breck" Bowden, 2014 ARCSS/TK stream dissolved organic carbon biodegradability (2011).. 10.6073/pasta/2057860f44b75e4291072a996f2b99b1
The (ARCSSTK) did extensive research during 2009-2011 field seasons in Arctic Alaska. The objective of this data set was to measure the quantity and biodegradability of DOC from headwater streams and rivers across three geographic regions and across four natural ‘treatments’ (reference; thermokarst-; burned-, and thermokarst + burned-impacted streams) to evaluate which factors most strongly influence DOC quantity and biodegradablity at a watershed scale.
Landscape Interactions
Michael T Oconnor, Bayani T Cardenas, George Kling, Ann Chen, 2020 Soil stratigraphic data for the Toolik Lake region, North Slope of Alaska 2016-2019. 10.6073/pasta/68ab4e6f628909de50409df766e183d7
Soil stratification was determined by measuring the vertical thickness of three main strata (surface acrotelm, mid-depth catotelm, and bottom mineral soil) found in organic-rich or peat soils in the Toolik Lake region, North Slope of Alaska. Additional data for each site include dominant vegetation, landscape position, glacial surface, and microtopography.
Michael T Oconnor, Bayani T Cardenas, George Kling, Ann Chen, 2020 Soil hydraulic and thermal properties determined in surface organic and mineral soils in the region near Toolik Lake on the North Slope of Alaska, 2016-2019. 10.6073/pasta/402d7040a9303c0eb667590e0451ef4e
Soil cores of 5 cm diameter down to frozen
Landscape Interactions Watershed Thaw Survey
George Kling, 2007 Tussock watershed thaw depth survey summary for 1990 to present, Arctic Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER), Toolik Research Station, Alaska. . 10.6073/pasta/5ec809b760dd8cbc9e979941e29f70cc
Thaw depth was measured since 1990 using a steel probe in the Tussock watershed just south of Toolik Lake, Alaska, on a gentle slope dominated by moist, non-acidic tussock tundra. At least two surveys are conducted each summer, on 2 July and on 11 August (plus or minus 1 day).
Terrestrial Soil Microfuna and Microflora
Howard Drossman, John Hobbie, Erik Hobbie, 2011 Soil ergoserol concentration from Abisko Sweden 2007.. 10.6073/pasta/be64d499a06fe406645551be39c6189c
The data set describes soil ergosterol concentration, which is unique to fungal membranes., from samples from Abisko, Sweden. The samples from Abisko, Sweden, were collected by E.A. Hobbie at a birch forest site and a tundra site. The Abisko sites are described in
John (J.C.) Weber, John Hobbie, 2011 Plant litter, soil, plants and fungal fruiting bodies 15N, 13C, percent C and N along Dalton Highway, Alaska 2004, 1990, 2007.. 10.6073/pasta/015d969d9fa8edad701ac0141614472a
The data set includes 15N and 13C for plant litter, soil, plants and fungal fruiting bodies (mycorrhizae), percent C (soil organic matter and percent N from samples collected in three separate trips (1990, 2004, 2007) along the transect of the Dalton Highway (AK) extending from the Yukon River on the south to Prudhoe Bay on the north.
Howard Drossman, John Hobbie, Erik Hobbie, 2011 Soil ergosterol transect Dalton Highway Alaska 2007. 10.6073/pasta/40a48a90a74d43a6f40126ee1074a50e
The data set describes soil ergosterol concentration, which is unique to fungal membranes., from an Alaska transect . The soil samples from Alaska were collected in a trip from north to south along the Dalton Highway. north of the Yukon River.
Thermokarst Soil
Benjamin Crosby, 2013 Water-level and subsurface water temperature at sensor from the Toolik River Thermokarst, 2010-2013. 10.6073/pasta/f76e4598a1b0bd7d269cc1596a07ee81
Data were collected to investigate if formation of gully thermokarst (TK) results in lowering of the water table and more rapid evacuation of water from above the frost table. Data were collected from 24 shallow screened wells. 2 replicate rows of 4 wells were located at: (a) a hillslope (HS) ~120m away from the gully TK, (b) perpendicular to the gully TK (TK) and (c) perpendicular to an unimpacted water track (WT) upstream of the gully TK. Note that water levels are the distance below the ground surface and may have organic/peat layers of different thicknesses.
Torre Jorgenson, 2013 Permafrost soil database with information on site, topography, geomorphology, hydrology, soil stratigraphy, soil carbon, ground ice isotopes, and vegetation at thermokarst features near Toolik and Noatak River, 2009-2013. 10.6073/pasta/6294610ce5738eb9c7e5d1ce13b54017
This database contains soil and permafrost stratigraphy associated with thermokarst features near Toolik Lake and the Noatak River collected by Torre Jorgenson and Andrew Balser during summers 2009-2011. The Access Database has main data tables (tbl_) for site (environmental), soil stratigraphy, soil physical data, soil chemical data, soil isotopes (ground ice), soil radiocarbon dates, topography and bathymetry, and vegetation cover.
Lakes Physical and Chemical Parameters
Anne Giblin, George Kling, 2022 Physical and chemical data for various lakes near Toolik Research Station, Arctic LTER. Summer 1975 to 1989.. 10.6073/pasta/588e78d0d92ee947349eda23402543f6
Decadal file describing the physical lake parameters recorded at various lakes near Toolik Research Station during summers from 1975 to 1989. Depth profiles at the sites of physical measures were collected in situ. Values measured included temperature, conductivity, pH, dissolved oxygen, Chlorophyll A, Secchi disk depth and PAR. Note that some sample depths also have additional parameters measured and available in separate files for water chemistry and primary production.
Anne Giblin, Christopher Luecke, George Kling, 2010 Average Epilimnetic Conductivity from 1992 to present in Tooli Lake, Arctic LTER, Alaska.. 10.6073/pasta/f0b996fef22d56cacd87f60f5dea2cd9
Average conductivity of the epilimnion (0-3m of water depth) found in Toolik Lake during the month of July.
Anne Giblin, George Kling, 2001 Physical and chemical data for various lakes near Toolik Research Station, Arctic LTER. Summer 2000 to 2009. 10.6073/pasta/791e3cb6288f75f602f23ef3e5532017
Decadal file describing the physical/chemical values recorded at various lakes near Toolik Research Station during summers from 2000 to 2009. Sample site descriptors include site, date, time, depth. Depth profiles of physical measures collected in situ with Hydrolab Datasonde in the field include temperature, conductivity, pH, dissolved oxygen in both percent saturation and mg/l, SCUFA chlorophyll-a values in both volts and µg/l, and PAR.
Anne Giblin, George Kling, 1991 Physical and chemical data for various lakes near Toolik Research Station, Arctic LTER. Summer 1990 to 1999. 10.6073/pasta/1fd85582de93a281e5e5d3b80df97b52
Decadal file describing the physical/chemical values recorded at various lakes near Toolik Research Station during summers from 1990 to 1999. Sample site descriptors include site, date, time, depth. Depth profiles of physical measures collected in situ with Hydrolab Datasonde in the field include temperature, conductivity, pH, dissolved oxygen in both percent saturation and mg/l, SCUFA chlorophyll-a values in both volts and µg/l, and PAR.
Anne Giblin, George Kling, 2021 Physical and chemical data for various lakes near Toolik Research Station, Arctic LTER. Summer 2010 to 2021. 10.6073/pasta/76ae1339a928d85193eb15bbe88cee75
Decadal file describing the physical/chemical values recorded at various lakes near Toolik Research Station. Sample site descriptors include site, date, time, depth. Depth profiles of physical measures collected in situ with Hydrolab Datasonde in the field include temperature, conductivity, pH, dissolved oxygen in both percent saturation and mg/l, SCUFA chlorophyll-a values in both volts and µg/l, and PAR.
Terrestrial Reflectance
Gaius Shaver, Laura Gough, 2022 Vegetation indices calculated from reflectance spectra collected at LTER plots at Toolik Lake, Alaska during the 2007-2019 growing seasons.. 10.6073/pasta/c7f5923cc5b929ccdf0d61f461147b3d
Vegetation indices calculated from reflectance spectra collected at Arctic LTER experimental plots at Toolik Lake, Alaska during the 2007-2019 growing seasons.
Terrestrial Precipitation Chemistry
Gaius Shaver, 2004 Inorganic Nitrogen and phosphorus were analyzed on snow samples taken from two snow pits near the long-term acrtic LTER mesic acidic tussock experimental plots Toolik Field Station 2003. 10.6073/pasta/dd5fc68975ac6158633ccf11c91aa1c7
Inorganic Nitrogen and phosphorus were analyzed on snow samples taken from two snow pits near the long-term acrtic LTER mesic acidic tussock experimental plots. The snow layers in each pit were described and sampled separtely with the help of Matthrew Sturm.
Laura Gough, Austin Roy, 2022 Small mammal structure cover collected at Team Vole fences near Nome, Toolik Lake, and Utqaigvik, Alaska, summer 2019. 10.6073/pasta/e8f1f800c4d632a6178ba3a1928bc0b5
Percent cover of tundra vole and brown lemming structures collected from within the Team Vole enclosure/exclosure fences near Nome, Toolik, Utqiagvik, AK 2019.
Terrestrial Soil Properties
John Moore, 2013 Extracellular enzyme activities in soils from Arctic LTER moist acidic tundra nutrient addition plots, Toolik Field Station, Alaska, sampled July 2011.. 10.6073/pasta/ea03e558865471f1daf5b15bbce582c2
Soil samples were collected from control, and N+P plots from within a set of treatments in Arctic LTER Moist Acidic Tundra plots established in 1989 and in 2006 . At the time of sampling the soil was separated into organic horizon, organic/mineral interface, and the upper 5cm of the mineral soil. In the lab the potential activities of seven hydrolytic enzymes was determined using fluorometric techniques (Saiya-Cork et al. 2002) modified following Steinweg et al(.2012).
John Moore, 2013 Soil aggregate size distribution and particulate organic matter content from Arctic LTER moist acidic tundra nutrient addition plots, Toolik Field Station, Alaska, sampled July 2011.. 10.6073/pasta/504c0050d83f759ab7edb74064b8cab3
Soil aggregate size distribution, aggregate carbon and nitrogen, and light fraction carbon were determined for mineral soils in moist acidic tundra. Soil was sampled in control, and N+P plots of the Arctic LTER Moist Acidic Tundra plots established in 1989 and 2006.
Julia Reiskind, Michelle Mack, Martin Lavoie, 2012 Proteolytic enzyme activity of organic and mineral soil core samples collected near Toolik Lake field station, Alaska, July 2001. 10.6073/pasta/8f9ed5ff1f556c725eb666cce128e859
The original focus of this study was an analysis of proteolytic enzyme activity of Alaskan arctic tundra soils, however initial results raised questions regarding the method (Watanabe and Hayano, 1995). Thus, the goals of the study changed to 1) an investigation of the method, and 2) a comparison of enzyme activities of two different soil layers from the arctic tundra.
Gaius Shaver, 1993 Extractable NH4-N and NO3-N (2 N KCl), PO4-P (0.025 N HCl) and pH (0.01 M CaCl2) were measured on soils from a transect along the Dalton road, Arctic LTER 1991.. 10.6073/pasta/d2fc50cac67c6ae3659500e1baa2d3a9
Extractable NH4-N and NO3-N (2 N KCl), PO4-P

(0.025 N HCl) and pH (0.01 M CaCl2) were measured on soils from a

transect along the Dalton road. Sites are Gus Shaver flowering sites and

Arctic LTER sites.
Terrestrial Trace Gases
Gaius Shaver, 2012 Vegetation indices calculated for ITEX harvest plots in 2004-2009 at Toolik, Alaska; Abisko, Sweden; Svalbard, Norway; Zackenberg, Northeast Greenland; and Barrow, Alaska. 10.6073/pasta/273dc3a7f43fb71e90d786fcd69c6c96
A spectrophotometer was used to scan the canopy vegetation of ITEX harvest plots. The resulting reflectance spectra were used to calculate several vegetation indices of interest (NDVI, EVI, EVI2, PRI, WBI, Chlorophyll Index). Average values of these vegetation indices for each ITEX harvest plot are presented here. These plots also had biomass harvests performed and were analyzed for leaf area and nitrogen content (see 2003-2009gsharvest.csv, 2003-2009gsharvestLAI-N.csv).
Gaius Shaver, 2011 Vegetation indices calculated for ITEX flux plots in 2004-2009 at Toolik, Alaska; Abisko, Sweden; Svalbard, Norway; Zackenberg, Northeast Greenland; and Barrow, Alaska. 10.6073/pasta/b11455d590fcb9eed893b86425590f15
A spectrophotometer was used to scan the canopy vegetation of ITEX flux plots. The resulting reflectance spectra were used to calculate several vegetation indices of interest (NDVI, EVI, EVI2, PRI, WBI, Chlorophyll Index). Average values of these vegetation indices for each ITEX flux plot are presented here.
William "Breck" Bowden, 2014 Physical site characteristics for the ARCSS/TK stream dissolved organic carbon biodegradability (2011) data set.. 10.6073/pasta/251cd2feee2adcab246208e77abd5985
The (ARCSSTK) did extensive research during 2009-2011 field seasons in Arctic Alaska. The objective of this data set was to measure the quantity and biodegradability of DOC from headwater streams and rivers across three geographic regions and across four natural ‘treatments’ (reference; thermokarst-; burned-, and thermokarst + burned-impacted streams) to evaluate which factors most strongly influence DOC quantity and biodegradablity at a watershed scale. This table provides physical site characteristics for the locations sampled for stream water biodegradability.
Jeff Welker, Paddy Sullivan, 2011 Welker IPY snow fence shrub site soil temperatures and soil water content Toolik, Alaska 2008.. 10.6073/pasta/4966e339bb9da53ce005bc75b84eab56
Soil temperature from three locations on the eastern side of the Toolik River where by snow fences were established as part of IPY. This is a study of how soil temperatures at 10 cm and soil moisture change across the summer at our IPY snow fence site .
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