Streams Metabolism

Streams Metabolism
Michael Kendrick, Alex Huryn, 2013 Chamber Metabolism 2011-2012 Kuparuk River near Toolik Field Station Alaska.. 10.6073/pasta/34232c5216fc1d7e9ef1f1156f873263
Dissolved oxygen was measured in sealed chambers on representative river rocks periodically throughout the 2011 and 2012 open water season in the Kuparuk River. These data provide information on gross primary production and respiration from representative river rocks taken from 3 experimental reaches in the Kuparuk.
William "Breck" Bowden, 2019 Kuparuk River Whole Stream Metabolism Arctic LTER, Toolik Field Station Alaska 2012-2017. 10.6073/pasta/cd383e684fb53d1b1d36712720b31c32
The Kuparuk River has been the central research location on the impact of added phosphorus to arctic streams. Additions of phosphorus occred since 1983. Today, 4 specific reaches show certain characteristics based on the years that they recieved fertilization. Whole Stream Metabolism is a way to quantify primary production of this stream system. Calculations were done using dissolved oxygen, discharge, stage, light and temperature measured by sondes and other equipment strategically deployed in the field at locations to quantify each of the unique stream reaches.
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