Carex rotundata

Burn Terrestrial Data
M. Syndonia Bret-Harte, Michelle Mack, Gaius Shaver, 2013 Above ground plant and below ground stem biomass of samples from the moderately burned site at Anaktuvuk River, Alaska. 10.6073/pasta/6646ac57a7397b9c8d1a2dc3c95a566c
Above ground plant and below ground stem biomass were measured in 2011 from three sites at and around the Anaktuvuk River Burn: severely burned, moderately burned and unburned. These samples were analyzed for carbon and nitrogen concentrations.
M. Syndonia Bret-Harte, Michelle Mack, Gaius Shaver, 2013 Above ground plant and below ground stem biomass of samples from the severely burned site of the Anaktuvuk River fire, Alaska. 10.6073/pasta/7f609c982e2e6880f63bab4c3bd5af8d
Above ground plant and below ground stem biomass were measured in 2011 from three sites at and around the Anaktuvuk River Burn: severely burned, moderately burned and unburned. These samples were analyzed for carbon and nitrogen concentrations.
M. Syndonia Bret-Harte, Michelle Mack, Gaius Shaver, 2013 Above ground plant and below ground stem biomass of samples from the unburned control site near the Anaktuvuk River fire scar.. 10.6073/pasta/18fcdcaf43451b70610d55da6475b397
Above ground plant and below ground stem biomass were measured in 2011 from three sites at and around the Anaktuvuk River Burn: severely burned, moderately burned and unburned. These samples were analyzed for carbon and nitrogen concentrations.
Terrestrial Biomass
Gaius Shaver, 2004 Biomass, nitrogen and carbon of plants in the Arctic LTER experimental wet sedge tundra experimental sites, 2001, Toolik Lake, Alaska.. 10.6073/pasta/b3407bae411c523f4857753b09f620a0
Biomass, nitrogen and carbon of plants in the Arctic LTER experimental wet sedge tundra experimental sites, 2001, Toolik Lake, Alaska.. Treatments at each site included factorial NxP, greenhouse and shade house and were begun in 1985 (Sag site) or in 1988 (Toolik sites).
Gaius Shaver, 1996 Plant biomass, leaf area, carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus in wet sedge tundra, 1994, Arctic LTER, Toolik Lake, Alaska.. 10.6073/pasta/b68ff3f714e72e0528a2d72b2c04aafc
Plant biomass, leaf area, carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus were measured in three wet sedge tundra experimental sites. Treatments at each site included factorial NxP and at the Toolik sites greenhouse and shade house. Treatments started in 1985 (Sag site) and in 1988 (Toolik sites).
Terrestrial Plant Communities and Plant Species List
Gaius Shaver, Laura Gough, 1998 Vascular plant species list, by quadrat, for harvests of tussock , wet sedge and dry heath tundra and a toposequence which included "shrub/lupine," "riverside willow" and "footslope Equisetum" communities North Slope Alaska, Arctic LTER 1983-1996.. 10.6073/pasta/19d4931588b100dc2a0abc23d849e873
Vascular plant species list, by quadrat, for harvests of tussock tundra, wet sedge tundra, dry heath tundra, and a toposequence which also included "shrub/lupine," "riverside willow" and "footslope Equisetum" communities. Includes results of long-term nutrient enrichment, increased temperature, and shade houses in selected tundra types.
Terrestrial Plant Phenological and Growth Data
Gaius Shaver, 1998 Leave growth of Eriophorum angustifolium and Carex rotundata was measured in a long-term experimental wet sedge tundra site, Arctic LTER 1996, Toolik Lake, AK.. 10.6073/pasta/a53c2848cc9e0dd4f0ef02dad5b86f48
Leave growth of Eriophorum angustifolium and Carex rotundata was measured in a long-term experimental wet sedge tundra site near Toolik Lake, AK. Experimental treatments at each site included factorial NxP, greenhouse and shadehouse and were begun in 1989 (Toolik sites).
Gaius Shaver, 1998 Phenological stages of sedges were observed at a long term experimental moist tussock tundra site and a long-term experimental wet sedge tundra sites (Arctic LTER) for 1996 near Toolik Lake, AK.. 10.6073/pasta/7ce217450269be5adbca2fbf595c46dd
Phenological stages of sedges were observed at a long term experimental moist tussock tundra site and a long-term experimental wet sedge tundra sites near Toolik Lake, AK. Also, ITEX maximum growth measurements were recorded on August 19th (moist tussock tundra). Experimental treatments at each site included factorial NxP, greenhouse and shadehouse and were begun in 1989. See 96gsphdc.html and 96gsphsg.html for phenological data on deciduous and evergeen species.
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