Welker IPY_Snow_shrub

Welker IPY_Snow_shrub
Jeff Welker, Paddy Sullivan, 2011 Welker Dry Heath Microclimate Data. 10.6073/pasta/3e8b2b96dad46134bcaf10bfd41ae9de
Hourly air temperature, humidity, wind speed, soil temperature and soil water data from the control area of the ITEX dry heath study site
Jeff Welker, Paddy Sullivan, 2011 Welker Shrub Microclimate Data from an unmanipulated shrub patch near Toolik Field Station, August 6, 2006 to September 12, 2010. 10.6073/pasta/5d5f91d35f7bbf57aa150fd0a1691531
Hourly air temperature, humidity, wind speed, soil temperature and soil water data from an unmanipulated shrub patch measured from August 6, 2006 to September 12, 2010.
Jeff Welker, Paddy Sullivan, 2011 Welker IPY snow fence shrub site Betula leaf 15N, 13C, %N, %C, Toolik, Alaskanear Toolik Field Station 2007 and 2008.. 10.6073/pasta/b6c6bebabdbdc93b7d5d7937c45aede9
Betula nana leaf mineral leaf 15N, 13C, %N, %C was measured over the summer seasons in 2007 and 2008 at our shrub site. Fresh fully expanded leaves were collected several times during the summer.
Jeff Welker, Paddy Sullivan, 2011 Welker IPY snow shrub 2007 flux data, Toolik, Alaska.. 10.6073/pasta/288210c11a86847870d9c96577ad0839
This is a study of how different snow regimes effect CO2 exchange in tussock tundra and whether there are shifts in ecosystem C cycling when facets of "drift" effects are isolated. The study is part of the IPY program and is aimed at measuring the state of Arctic tundra.
Jeff Welker, Paddy Sullivan, 2011 Welker IPY snow shrub 2008 flux data, Toolik, Alaska.. 10.6073/pasta/871da73183899995b2f5e9b4f94696d9
This is a study of how different snow regimes effect CO2 exchange in tussock tundra and whether there are shifts in ecosystem C cycling when facets of "drift" effects are isolated. The study is part of the IPY program and is aimed at measuring the state of Arctic tundra.
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