Biomass in wet sedge tundra near the Atigun River crossing of the Dalton Highway, North Slope AK. .There were three harvests; Late May-early June; Late July-early August; Late August-early September. See Shaver and Chapin (Ecological Monographs, 61, 1991 pp.1-31.
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Field- Samples are obtained by collecting all aboveground biomass and belowground stems and rhizomes in 20 x 20 cm quadrats, located randomly along line transects within the site. Normally, 4 or 5 quadrats are collected along each of 4 transects at each site or treatment. Aboveground biomass is considered "within" the quadrat if it is associated with a meristem that is within the quadrat. Details are given in Shaver and Chapin (Ecological Monographs, 61, 1991, pg. 1.)
Lab- Each quadrat is first sorted into species and then into tissue type. Depending on the harvest, tissue types can be broad categories, i.e. above and below, or more detailed, i.e. inflorescences, new growth, old growth, etc. The separated samples are dried for several days at approximately 65 ÂșC and then weighed. The dry weight for each quadrat, species and tissue type is recorded. Finally the samples from all quadrats in a transect are combined according to tissue type. Samples are then returned to Woods Hole for nutrient analysis.
This File covers three biomass harvests at the sedge site; early season, mid season, and late season.
Table 1: Biomass Harvests
Date Site Treatment
-------------------- ------------------------------- ----------------------------------
01-Jun-1982 Atigun Wet Sedge Control
Toolik Heath Control
Toolik Shrub Control
1981 Toolik Tussock Control
31-Jul-1982 Atigun Wet Sedge Control
Toolik Heath Control
1 981 Toolik Tussock Control
01-Sep-1982 Atigun Wet Sedge Control
1981 Toolik Tussock Control
Notes: This data was converted from old Multiplan files to Excel (April 1994). No documentation exists for the original Multiplan files. All files were converted to Excel 5.0. Excel worksheet names are similar to the original Multiplan filenames. This file (82gsasbm.dat) is the 'Wetnut' worksheet of the Excel 5.0 file. The Excel 5.0 file 82gsasbm.xls is also available.
Version Changes:
For Archival Use:DATA FILE ENTERED BY: Jim Laundre
NAME: Jim Laundre
DATE: 3Apr95
Version 2: Created excel metadata form with atrribute table and title. 9Jan06 JimL
Version 3: Added LTERNET Data Access server proxy for Excel and comma delimited data files.
Version 4: updated units to best practices
Version 5: Update LTERNET Data Access server proxy link for Excel and comma delimited data files. Changed from knb to das in url.
Version 6: Updated metadata sheet and to eml 2.1 JimL 9Jul2012
Version 7: Taxonomic coverage data updated. Updated metadata to newer form (with sites sheet). CH March 2013.
Version 8: Checked keywords against the LTER network preferred list and replaced non-preferred terms. Jim L 27Jan14
Sites sampled.
EML Link:
Full Metadata and data files (either comma delimited (csv) or Excel) - Environmental Data Initiative repository.
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