Temperature response of dark respiration from the 1980-82 Eriophorum vaginatum reciprocal transplant experiment along Dalton Highway, Alaska.


These data were collected in July 2011 for tussocks transplanted in 1980-82 in a reciprocal transplant experiment and harvested in 2011. Important variables are garden name, source population, and dark respiration.

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Fetcher, N., Mcgraw, J., Van De Weg, M. 2014. Temperature response of dark respiration from the 1980-82 Eriophorum vaginatum reciprocal transplant experiment along Dalton Highway, Alaska. Environmental Data Initiative. http://dx.doi.org/10.6073/pasta/90263d4b31bc565b3bab55fa012151dc



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Associated Researcher

Date Range: 

Saturday, July 16, 2011 to Thursday, July 21, 2011

Publication Date: 



In 1980-1982, six transplant gardens were established along a latitudinal gradient in interior Alaska from Eagle Creek, AK, in the south to Prudhoe Bay, AK, in the north (Shaver et al. 1986) .Three sites, Toolik Lake (TL), Sagwon (SAG), and Prudhoe Bay (PB) are north of the continental divide and the remaining three, Eagle Creek (EC), No Name Creek (NN), and Coldfoot (CF), are south of the continental divide. Each garden consisted of 10 individual tussocks transplanted back to their home-site, as well as 10 individuals from each of the other transplant sites (n = 10; 6 populations x 6 sites x 10 replicates = 360 total individuals).

Temperature response curves for Rd were measured in situ between 9:00 am and 6:00 pm with portable photosynthesis equipment fitted with an expanded temperature control kit (Li-Cor 6400 and Li-Cor 6400-88, Li-Cor, Inc, Lincoln, USA). For each replicate, a selection of E. vaginatum leaves per tussock (3–9) was used. The mean ± SD leaf temperatures (Tleaf) ranged between 10 ± 2.0 ◦C and 25 ± 1.9 ◦C for each curve, and Rd measurements were taken at intervals of ∼2.5 ◦C and at every point 10 measurements were recorded. Each response curve took between 20 and 70 min, depending on how quickly the higher leaf chamber temperatures were reached. After the respiration measurements, the leaf samples were dried at 60 ◦C to a constant weight, ground and analyzed for CHN with a Perkin-Elmer Series II 2400 CHNS/O Analyzer (LECO Corporation, USA) at the MBL in Woods Hole, MA. The response of Rd to Tleaf was fitted by regression using a modified Arrhenius equation (Lloyd and Taylor 1994; Griffin et al. 2002).The respiration data given here are the respiration data corrected to 10 °C with the acquired Q10 value.

Funding for this research was provided by National Science Foundation grant ARC-0908936, with additional support from NSF-OPP 0807639.AMAX and RESP data are incorporated in a ms. submitted to Botany. The results were published in: van de Weg, M. J., Fetcher, N., and Shaver, G. (2013). Response of dark respiration to temperature in Eriophorum vaginatum from a 30-year-old transplant experiment in Alaska. Plant Ecology and Diversity 6:379-381

References for these notes:
- Griffin KL, Turnbull M, Murthy R. 2002. Canopy position affects the temperature response of leaf respiration in Populus deltoides. New Phytologist 154:609–619.
- Lloyd J, Taylor JA. 1994. On the temperature dependence of soil respiration. Functional Ecology 8:315–323.
- Shaver GR, Fetcher N, Chapin FS III. 1986. Growth and flowering in Eriophorum vaginatum: annual and latitudinal variation. Ecology 67:1524–1535

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