Average conductivity of the epilimnion (0-3m of water depth) found in Toolik Lake during the month of July.
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For Data from 2007 thru 2009 measurements were taken with a DS5 Hydrolab Datasonde. Depth reading on sonde was calibrated in the field so that a depth of 0m was the water surface. For profiles, measurements were taken at surface (~0m) then at 1m intervals until bottom. Measurements were recorded on a Surveyor 4 Datalogger.
For Data from 2001 thru 2006 measurements were taken with a DS4a Hydrolab Datasonde. Depth reading on sonde was calibrated in the field so that a depth of 0m was the water surface. For profiles, measurements were taken at surface (~0m) then at 1m intervals until bottom. Measurements were recorded on a Surveyor 4 Datalogger.
For Data from 1993 thru 2000 measurements were taken with a Hydrolab H20-BT STd multiprobe. For profiles, measurements were taken at surface (~0m) then at 1m intervals until bottom. Measurements were recorded on a Surveyor 3 Datalogger.
For Data from 1977 thru 1992 measurements were taken with a YSI model 33 conductivity meter. For profiles, measurements were taken at surface (~0m) then at 1m intervals until bottom.
Daily average specific conductance of the epilimnion was calculated as the mean of all conductivity measurements from the water's surface to three meters of depth on a particular day.
Yearly average specific conductance of the epilimnion was calculated as the mean of all daily average specific conductance of the epilmnion values.
The "Sheet 1" worksheet contains a summary of yearly average specific conductance of the epilimnion values from the "Julyepi" worksheet.
Version Changes:
added data from 1992-2000
For version .02 data back to 1977 was added, added in conductivity data at depth and daily average, added depth and temperature data, "Sheet 1" was left attached as a yearly summary
Version 3: Updated metadata to newer form (with sites sheet). CH April 2013.
Version 4: Checked keywords against the LTER network preferred list and replaced non-preferred terms. Jim L 27Jan14
Sites sampled.
EML Link:
Full Metadata and data files (either comma delimited (csv) or Excel) - Environmental Data Initiative repository.
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