I was getting and error using a feed import of a csv file. In syslog there was :Fatal error: Redefinition of parameter $source in /Users/daniel/sites/myproject/wwwroot/sites/all/modules/contrib/feeds_tamper/plugins/default_value.inc
I was getting this error even though I was not using a tamper.
Did a search and found it was fixed in the latest dev file.
I tested the update first on a dev site and all seems good.
First I updated any modules that needed security updates. Then cleared cache and did a updb.
Ran drush up drupal
Then the patches - field_hook_presave_and_load_for_default_values_1.patch and formatter_weight-1982776-29.patch. I didn't run the one for setting.php since that was already patched from when diems was installed.