Data Sets by LTER or Collaborating Project
Above ground plant biomass in a mesic acidic tussock tundra experimental site 2015, Arctic LTER, Toolik Lake, Alaska.
Above ground plant biomass and leaf area were measured in a tussock tundra experimental site. The plots were set up in 1981 and have been harvested in previous years (See Shaver and Chapin...
Small mammal captures per 100 trap nights at the 2007 Anaktuvuk River fire scar and nearby unburned site, sampled in 2014, 2017-2019.
Small mammals (rodents and shrews) were sampled 7-12 years following the Anaktuvuk River Fire to examine how post-fire ecological changes influence small mammal abundance. Small mammals were snap-...
Model output, drivers and parameters for Ecosystem Recovery from Disturbance is Constrained by N Cycle Openness, Vegetation-Soil N Distribution, Form of N Losses, and the Balance Between Vegetation and Soil-Microbial Processes
Files used to generate the data for figures in:
Rastetter, EB, Kling, GW, Shaver, GR, Crump, BC, Gough, L. Ecosystem Recovery from Disturbance Is Constrained by N Cycle Openness, Vegetation...
Invertebrate Community Asemblage from the Arctic LTER Upper Kuparuk River Reference (2001-2012) and Fertilized Reach (2002-2016), Toolik Field Station, Alaska
Surber sampler (25 X 25 cm frame fitted with a 243 um mesh net) was used to sample invertebrates at on the Kuparuk River in Reference (2001-2012) and Fertilized Reach (2002-2016) reach.
Eriophorum vaginatum tiller nitrogen content at the 2007 Anaktuvuk River fire scar and nearby unburned tundra measured in 2019.
Tillers from 24 Eriophorum vaginatum individuals were sampled in late July 2019 to examine differences in percent nitrogen between previously burned (Anaktuvuk River Fire) and unburned tussocks at...
Model executable, output, drivers and parameters for modeling organism acclimation to changing availability of and requirements for substitutable and interdependent resources
Files used to generate the data for figures in: Rastetter, EB, Kwiatkowski, BL. An approach to modeling resource optimization for substitutable and interdependent resources. Ecological Modelling (...
Factorial experiment to test effects of food availability and temperature on slimy sculpin (Cottus cognatus) at Toolik Field Station, 2018
We used a fully factorial experiment to test effects of food availability and temperature (7.6, 12.7 and 17.4 degrees C; 50 days) on growth, consumption, respiration, and excretion of slimy...
Comparison of vole-grazed and ungrazed Eriophorum vaginatum tussock biomass at the 2007 Anaktuvuk River fire scar in 2019
This file contains biomass measurements from vole-grazed and ungrazed Eriophorum vaginatum tussocks taken from the 2007 Anaktuvuk River Fire scar in 2019. Rodent-grazed and ungrazed tussocks were...
Habitat use, consumption, and growth by slimy sculpin (Cottus cognatus) held under different levels of temperature at Toolik Field Station 2019
We tested effects of temperature (12 and 19.3 degrees C; 27 days) on habitat use, consumption, and growth of slimy sculpin (Cottus cognatus). To measure temperature selection by sculpin, we...
Eriophorum vaginatum rhizome nitrogen content from the 2007 Anaktuvuk River fire scar measured in 2019.
This file contains Eriophorum vaginatum rhizome biomass from a 2017 biomass pluck of previously burned tundra (2007 Anaktuvuk River Fire) and nearby unburned tundra. Rhizome biomass from the pluck...