Data Sets by LTER or Collaborating Project
Toolik Inlet Discharge Data collected in summer 1993, Arctic LTER, Toolik Research Station, Alaska.
Stream discharge, stage height, temperature, and conductivity of Toolik Inlet during the 1993 study season.
Soil temperatures, lake temperature, lake depth, and evaporation pan depth and pan water temperature data from Toolik Field Station, Toolik Lake, Alaska for 1993.
Weather data file for Arctic Tundra LTER site at Toolik Lake. Only the sensors that are measured every 10 minutes and averaged every three hours are include, i.e. soil temperatures, lake...
Methane and carbon dioxide emissions were monitored in control, greenhouse, and nitrogen and phosphorus fertilized plots of three different plant communities, Toolik Field Station, North Slope Alaska, Arctic LTER 1993.
Methane and carbon dioxide emissions were monitored in control, greenhouse, and nitrogen and phosphorus fertilized plots of three different plant communities. This is the third year of collection...
Daily weather data file for Arctic Tundra LTER site at Toolik Lake, Arctic LTER 1993.
Daily weather data file for Arctic Tundra LTER site at Toolik Lake. Included are daily averages and/or maximums and minimums of air, soil and lake temperature, wind speed, vapor pressure, and sum...
Ecosystem-level Carbon dioxide fluxes in two long-term experimental wet sedge tundra sites near Toolik Lake, AK, ARC LTER 1994.
Ecosystem-level Carbon dioxide fluxes were measured in two long-term experimental wet sedge tundra sites near Toolik Lake, AK. Experimental treatments at each site included factorial NxP,...
Plant biomass, leaf area, carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus in wet sedge tundra, 1994, Arctic LTER, Toolik Lake, Alaska.
Plant biomass, leaf area, carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus were measured in three wet sedge tundra experimental sites. Treatments at each site included factorial NxP and at the Toolik sites...
Toolik Inlet Discharge Data collected in summer 1994, Arctic LTER, Toolik Research Station, Alaska.
Stream discharge, stage height, temperature, and conductivity of Toolik Inlet during the 1994 study season.
Tussock Watershed stream discharge, electrical conductivity, and temperature measurements from 1994
Tussock Watershed stream discharge, electrical conductivity, and temperature measurements from 1994.
Daily weather data file for Arctic Tundra LTER site at Toolik Lake, Arctic LTER 1994.
Daily weather data file for Arctic Tundra LTER site at Toolik Lake. Included are daily averages and/or maximums and minimums of air, soil and lake temperature, wind speed, vapor pressure, and sum...
Soil temperatures, lake temperature, lake depth, and evaporation pan depth and pan water temperature data from Toolik Field Station, Toolik Lake, Alaska for 1994.
Weather data file for Arctic Tundra LTER site at Toolik Lake. Only the sensors that are measured every 10 minutes and averaged every three hours are include, i.e. soil temperatures, lake...