Data Sets by LTER or Collaborating Project
Soil temperatures, lake temperature, lake depth, and evaporation pan depth and pan water temperature data from Toolik Field Station, Toolik Lake, Alaska for 1992.
Weather data file for Arctic Tundra LTER site at Toolik Lake. Only the sensors that are measured every 10 minutes and averaged every three hours are include, i.e. soil temperatures, lake...
Toolik Inlet Discharge Data collected in summer 1992, Arctic LTER, Toolik Research Station, Alaska.
Stream discharge, stage height, temperature, and conductivity of Toolik Inlet during the 1992 study season.
Zooplankton density for lake samples collected near Toolik Lake Arctic LTER in the summer from 1983 to 1992.
Zooplankton density in number per liter for all samples collected from arctic lakes near Toolik Lake Field Station (Arctic LTER) in summer from 1983 to 1992 (inclusive). NOTE: The dates for 1992...
Toolik Inlet Discharge Data collected in summer 1991, Arctic LTER, Toolik Research Station, Alaska.
Stream discharge, stage height, temperature, and conductivity of Toolik Inlet during the 1991 study season.
Daily weather data file for Arctic Tundra LTER site at Toolik Lake, Arctic LTER 1991.
Daily weather data file for Arctic Tundra LTER site at Toolik Lake. Included in this file are daily averages and/or maximums and minimums of air, soil and lake temperature, wind speed, vapor...
Daily weather data file for Arctic Tundra LTER site at Toolik Field Station, Norht Slope, AK 1992
Daily weather data file for Arctic Tundra LTER site at Toolik Lake. Included are daily averages and/or maximums
and minimums of air, soil and lake temperature, wind speed, vapor pressure,... -
Early July plant biomass in mesic acidic tussock tundra, 1993, Arctic LTER, Toolik Lake, Alaska.
Quadrats (20cm x 20cm squares) along a line (block) were collected for plant biomass in mesic acidic tussock tundra. Each quadrat was separated into individual species, new and old aboveground and...
Tiller size measured on intact shoots in 1993 for the 1980-82 Eriophorum vaginatum reciprocal transplant experiment
These data were collected in July 1993 for tussocks transplanted in 1980-82 in a reciprocal transplant experiment and harvested in 2011. Important variables are garden name, source population, the...
Carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus content in the seasonally thawed soils are described for four arctic tundra vegetation types located near the Toolik Field Station, Arctic LTER 1993.
Carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus content in thawed soils are described for four arctic tundra vegetation types located near the Toolik Field Station.
Tussock Watershed stream discharge, electrical conductivity, and temperature measurements from 1993
Tussock Watershed stream discharge, electrical conductivity, and temperature measurements from 1993.