Lakes Fish
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Phaedra Budy, Christopher Luecke, Michael McDonald, 2022 Fish captures in lakes of the Arctic LTER region Toolik Field Station Alaska from 1986 to 2021.. 10.6073/pasta/7ab85b09ea31c4b8e0b805120f23405b |
This file contains the fish number, recap number, species, lengths, weights, sex and a list of tissues sampled of fish captured in lakes near the Toolik Lake Arctic LTER site during summers from 1986 to 2021. The file also contains information from gill-netted fish (if any), sacrificed fish, and accidentally killed fish. All dead fish are included, and if their stomachs and otoliths were taken, that is noted also. |
Phaedra Budy, 2022 Habitat use, consumption, and growth by slimy sculpin (Cottus cognatus) held under different levels of temperature at Toolik Field Station 2019. 10.6073/pasta/50ba1650540a88fb06bbb4be5e8e286e |
We tested effects of temperature (12 and 19.3 degrees C; 27 days) on habitat use, consumption, and growth of slimy sculpin (Cottus cognatus). To measure temperature selection by sculpin, we connected two 5.7 L tanks with a PVC pipe that was passable by sculpin (n = 12 tanks). We heated one side of the tank to 12 °C and the other to 19.3 °C using aquarium heaters. |