The Anaktuvuk River Fire occurred in 2007 on the North Slope of Alaska. In 2008, three eddy covariance towers were established at sites represent ing unburned tundra, moderately burned tundra, and severely burned tundra. Several times during the 2008-2014 growing seasons, thaw depth was measured at approximately 70 points near each of these towers . Data presented here are the individual measurements for each site and date.
Project Keywords:
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Publication Date:
The Anaktuvuk River Fire occurred in 2007 on the North Slope of Alaska. In 2008, three eddy covariance towers were established at sites representing unburned tundra, moderately burned tundra, and severely burned tundra. Several times during the 2008-2014 growing seasons approximately 70 thaw depths were made near each tower. The thaw depths were taken in two separate areas near the towers. Slightly more than half the measurements were taken every 10 m on a 100 x 40 m grid (the CALM grid) located in a representative area <50m south of the towers. The remaining measurements were randomly taken along 30 m transects emanating from the center of each eddy covariance tower in each cardinal direction. Measurements were conducted by inserting a rigid metal rod (~1 cm diameter) vertically into the soil and measuring the depth at which ice bonded soil provided firm resistance. Measurements were taken either from the top of the moss layer or from the soil surface when moss was absent.
References: Rocha, A.V. and G.R. Shaver (2011) Postfire energy exchange in arctic tundra: the importance and climatic implications of burn severity. Global Change Biology. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2486.2011.02441.x.
Version Changes:
Data collection is ongoing. Data collection and processing through 2014 is complete.
In previous document June 20, 2010 was entered twice where the first instance should have been Aug 27, 2009
Version 2: Updated to newer metadata form (with sites sheet). CH March 2013.
Version 3: Updated to include 2011 and 2012. April 2013
Version 4: Checked keywords against the LTER network preferred list and replaced non-preferred terms. Jim L 15Jan14
Version 5: Added the 2013 and 2014 data. AR and BK.
Sites sampled.
EML Link:
Full Metadata and data files (either comma delimited (csv) or Excel) - Environmental Data Initiative repository.
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