Relative percent cover was measured for plant species on Arctic LTER experimental plots at Toolik field station in moist acidic and non-acidic tundra.
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The LTER moist acidic tussock (MAT) site was set up in 1989. The experimental design is four blocks of 5 x 20 meter plots with randomly assigned treatments within each block. Treatments include control (CT), nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and nitrogen plus phosphorus (NP). Fertilizer is added annually following snowmelt in June as 10 g/m2 nitrogen (as NH4NO3) and 5 g/m2 phosphorous (as triple superphosphate). Exclosure plots were set up at the MAT site in July 1996 on extra 5 x 20 meter plots within the four-block design of the 1989 LTER acidic tussock experimental plots. On each plot a 5 x 10 meter section was fenced with large mesh (4-inch square mesh) and within this fence a 5x5-meter plot was fenced with a small mesh (1/2-inch square mesh). In each block two fenced plots were setup: a plot with no fertilizer and a plot with annual fertilization treatments as described above. Thus the treatments created are no fence, no fertilizer (NFCT); small mesh fence, no fertilizer (SFCT); large mesh fence, no fertilizer (LFCT); no fence, N plus P (NFNP); small mesh fence, N plus P (SFNP); and large mesh fence, N plus P (LFNP). Only CT, N, P, NP censused in 2013.
In 1997 experimental plots were established in three block at the LTER moist non-acidic tussock (MNT) site with the same methods as those used at MAT. CT, N, P and NP treatments were censused in 2013.
Calculations: All percent cover values were summed within each plot, and then each value was divided by the total to generate a percent cover value standardized to 100%.
Sampling Description.
Permanent monitoring areas were established in all treatment plots in 1998. Eight 1 m2 plots are sampled in each treatment in each block each year at the end of July. A 1 m2 quadrat is aligned 0.2 m inside of the plot at the site of a flag marking the first measurement. Within this quadrat, aerial percent cover of all vascular plants are noted by species as is all other ground cover. Categories include moss (all species lumped), lichen (all species lumped), litter, and standing dead Betula nana. Bare ground, frost boil, and water are also recorded. As an indicator of vole activity, the percent cover of the plot comprised of vole burrow holes, vole trails, and vole litter (small pieces of dead plant material) are also recorded. To standardize cover among plots, all percent cover values were summed within each plot, and then each value was divided by the total to generate a percent cover value standardized to 100%.
Species codes (MAT) are as follows:
And pol - Andromeda polifolia
Arc alp - Arctostaphylos alpina
Bet nan - Betula nana
Cal lap - Calamagrostis lapponica
Car big - Carex bigelowii
Cas tet - Cassiope tetragona
Emp nig - Empetrum nigrum
Eri vag - Eriophorum vaginatum
Led pal - Ledum palustre
Ped lap - Pedicularis lapponica
Pol bis - Polygonum bistorta
Rub cha - Rubus chamaemorus
Sal pul - Salix pulchra
Vac uli - Vaccinium uliginosum
Vac vit - Vaccinium vitis-idaea
Tofieldia - Tofieldia coccinea
Car mic - Carex microchaeta
St. D. Bet. - Standing Dead Betula nana
St. D. Sal pul - Standing Dead Salix pulchra
Species codes (MNT) are as follows:
And pol - Andromeda polifolia
Arc alp - Arctostaphylos alpina
Arn sp. - Arnica sp.
Ast umb - Astragalus umbellatus
Bet nan - Betula nana
Car big - Carex bigelowii
Cas tet - Cassiope tetragona
Cla box - Claytonia bostockii
Draba sp. - Draba sp.
Dry int - Dryas integrifolia
Equ arv - Equisetum arvense
Eri ang - Eriophorum angustifolium
Eri vag - Eriophorum vaginatum
Arc lat - Arctagrostis latifolia
Poa arc - Poa arctica
Led pal - Ledum palustre
Min arc - Minuartia arctica
Pap sp - Papaver sp.
Ped cap - Pedicularis capitata
Ped kan - Pedicularis kanei
Ped oed - Pedicularis oederi
Ped sp. - Pedicularis sp.
Ped sud - Pedicularis sudetica
Pol bis - Polygonum bistorta
Pol viv - Polygonum viviparum
Pot sp. - Potentilla sp.
Pyr gra - Pyrola grandiflora
Pyr Sec - Pyrola secunda
Ran sp - Ranunculus sp.
Rho lap - Rhododendron lapponicum
Sal arc - Salix arctica
Sal gla - Salix glauca
Sal pul - Salix pulchra
Sal ret - Salix reticulata
Sau ang - Saussurea angustifolia
Sax dav - Saxifraga davurica
Sax pun - Saxifraga punctata
Sen res - Senecio resedifolius
Ste edw - Stellaria edwardii
Tof coc - Tofieldia coccinea
Vac uli - Vaccinium uliginosum
Vac vit - Vaccinium vitis-idaea
Car rot - Carex rotundata
Epi ang - Epilobium angustifolium
Sites sampled.
EML Link:
Full Metadata and data files (either comma delimited (csv) or Excel) - Environmental Data Initiative repository.
Use of the data requires acceptance of the data use policy --> Arctic LTER Data Use Policy |